Poll: How Many NYC Buildings Collapsed On 9-11-2001 ? Many Don't Know The Correct Answer.

HoHound's Avatar

If you believe the official government media narrative, then YOU are the conspiracy theorist!
The North Tower fell because a Plane hit it. The South Tower Fell because a plane hit it. Building 7 fell because it it caught fire from the inside. The Pentagon was hit by a plane at ground level. No, it was hit by a Missile.

ICU 812's Avatar
Rosie O'donald know ALL about this.
Give it another 20 years and nobody will give a shit.
And I’ve got some swampland in Arizona to sell you if you really believe your last sentence. Good Lord.
The North Tower fell because a Plane hit it. The South Tower Fell because a plane hit it. Building 7 fell because it it caught fire from the inside. The Pentagon was hit by a plane at ground level. No, it was hit by a Missile.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/6GN9txdjdSeq/ Originally Posted by Levianon17
And I’ve got some swampland in Arizona to sell you if you really believe your last sentence. Good Lord. Originally Posted by Expresso Jim

LMFAO. Expresso don't worry too much about Levi as we all know what his go to site for information is. Nothing but a bunch of tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists on there. But yes it was planes that were crashed in all buildings.
And I’ve got some swampland in Arizona to sell you if you really believe your last sentence. Good Lord. Originally Posted by Expresso Jim
Look at the video do you really think a 767 jet hit the pentagon at that altitude?
And I’ve got some swampland in Arizona to sell you if you really believe your last sentence. Good Lord.[/QUO

LMFAO. Expresso don't worry too much about Levi as we all know what his go to site for information is. Nothing but a bunch of tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists on there. But yes it was planes that were crashed in all buildings. Originally Posted by Expresso Jim
Show me some evidence that Building 7 and the Pentagon were hit by planes. I bet you can't.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Levi, you really need to chill with your conspiracy theory bitchute nonsense. How in the fuck do you actually believe a missile hit the Pentagon? Come on man. Be better than that simply out of respect for the people who died on that plane and for their loved ones who lost them.


Edit for below: I assumed my post would be a complete waste of my time. Like I always say, I never forget the audience in this forum.
Levi, you really need to chill with your conspiracy theory bitchute nonsense. How in the fuck do you actually believe a missile hit the Pentagon? Come on man. Be better than that simply out of respect for the people who died on that plane and for their loved ones who lost them.

https://www.history.navy.mil/researc...on-attack.html Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I posted a video, what was that object that hit the Pentagon a 767 Airliner or a Missile? Your article by the way doesn't prove anything.
This News Reporter had to lose his job after saying this.

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Levi, is below the guy you believe fired a missile into the Pentagon or did bitchute tell you the boogeyman did it because he's a Democrat?

HoHound's Avatar
Be better than that simply out of respect for the people who died on that plane and for their loved ones who lost them. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
We still don't know what happened to the 4'th plane, because it sure didn't hit the pentagon according to the CNN video that Levi linked to. No plane or missile hit building 7, but it collapsed anyway in a straight line, like a controlled demolition. Ever hear of the military industrial complex? There's an Eisenhower speech on you tube talking about it. When are you folks gonna wake up? You can lead a horse to water...
Here's a video of the projectile hitting the pentagon. Does that look like a plane to you?

Levi, is below the guy you believe fired a missile into the Pentagon or did bitchute tell you the boogeyman did it because he's a Democrat?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hani_Hanjour Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I would rather believe a reporter who is actually on the scene and doesn't see any evidence of a plane crash. Now if you want to believe a plane, a big plane struck the Pentagon going 500 or more Mph at less than 100 feet and there is nothing left of it no bodies, luggage, seats nothing, then go ahead. Since no bodies were recovered and even if they were none of them would be identifiable. So how does Wikipedia know who was flying that plane. That hijacker's body like the rest of the passengers would have been completely disintegrated. No plane hit the Pentagon it's simple as that.
... Hang on... I surely agree with Lucas here.

But let's just say that it WAS a missile of some-sort.

Please explain WHY the government would COVER THAT UP.
WHY would they tell the world that it WAS a plane??

Are YOU claiming that Bush or someone else in the
American government shot the missile at "its-own" building??

#### Salty