Has the Houston hobby scene taken a step back?

allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
The bodyrub providers dont give service like they used to and it seems to me every time I come to eccie it is the same girls being reviewed over and over. I am baffled by this as it was very good just 5 years ago or so. What has happened?
  • pxmcc
  • 06-17-2019, 11:34 AM
i think it's hoppin. then again, amps aren't my thing. i always find myself sizing up exits and memorizing the floor plan in those places. i dont know how you guys do it, tbh..

i find new talent on List Crawler-high quality talent even though not gfe-about every 3rd day, but it's not for everyone, no doubt..
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
I dont go to AMPs either.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
I know it's been a while since they took BP down and since Eccie went down, but I think things just still haven't recovered.

It's just not like it used to be.
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
I know it's been a while since they took BP down and since Eccie went down, but I think things just still haven't recovered.

It's just not like it used to be. Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
I agree. I dont get to hobby that much but when I get the chance and get on here looking it seems that its much more difficult than it used to be.
AMP's too risky with all the busts. On LC some gems can be found but it does take some work. I have found much better rates and service than here.
low end theory's Avatar
I know it's been a while since they took BP down and since Eccie went down, but I think things just still haven't recovered.

It's just not like it used to be. Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
agreed cvk. imho, there were signs of decline even before the shutdowns.
It's simply the economy. The economy is doing well. Us hobbiests were blessed 10 years ago. The economy was struggling, people were loosing their jobs, job fairs had lines out the door. Which brought women to the hobby that would have never been in the hobby and this depressed hobby prices to low levels with wide selection.

If you had $$$ to spend every thing was possible and available. Today your just a number. If you have a pulse there is a business willing to hire you.

I am so glad we are not where we were 10 years ago, but the current econony is unsustainable. The hobby will change. If you do not see what you like, save your shillings for another day.

It will get better!
The hobby scene has taken a step back for several reasons. One big reason is the severity of screening is not worth the hassle. Fewer providers give references and want no reviews. There are other sources to meet people without the “send me your license and employment info” for screening. The AMP scene is garbage and generally the indie talent is mediocre and overpriced. Now add all the bareback and dudes that want high end talent with GFE/PSE for 75.00 and you have a lackluster market at the moment. I hobby out of Texas in better markets with a less adversarial dynamic between hobbyists and providers.
  • wnag7
  • 06-18-2019, 06:00 AM
Take a look at the weekly and weekend updates Houston vs Dallas.
Other than less nice looking younger girls at the amps....I see more than a lot of good choices out there right now....and I'm picky

It's just a little bit more expensive....but what isn't?
azteclust's Avatar
Hobby has got a lil expensive as well. 60 is now 70 and so on. From what I know AMP's lineup are mostly older women. Strip clubs are getting more expensives and cantinas scene as well. Hey look at agency they also got expensive as well.
Oralist's Avatar
I never was an AMP Guy. Too risky. They get busted all of the time. Used to see a lot of Agency Gals, until they were all busted. Many of the best went Indy. Some contracted GPS, but there are plenty of beautiful, hot ones that are only a little more than their Agency Donations. I actually prefer a Gal with her own apartment or that maybe shares it with one other Gal. Also, there are several hot, but reasonably priced AA, White and Mixed Gals. I see it as a step forward, not backward.
The bodyrub providers dont give service like they used to and it seems to me every time I come to eccie it is the same girls being reviewed over and over. I am baffled by this as it was very good just 5 years ago or so. What has happened? Originally Posted by allaboutthebbbj
Honestly some of THE BEST Body rub gents I met (5yrs ago) were off BP. They weren't damaged nor entitled. A damn good time !! Its hard for the gents now. Lets just say they were a step above the rest, never pressed . I do give the same or more as then. I have always enjoyed my BRub gents. Sorry you have been experiencing this. You can pm me for some other sites to meet BR ladies.

I was in plenty of amps. Never understood how gents didn't mind being filmed entering/exiting ect yet they are so hard on indy ladies. Maybe it was the low balling that made them go. IDK. Amps are high risk at this point. That's just my opinion. LOL.
boardman's Avatar