Thank you to Fawn and KellyTNT

toyrrific's Avatar
Ladies, you did a superb job of providing FUN and food for a lot of people. Thank you for all your hard work and it was great meeting you both and all of the lovely ladies and even some of the gentlemen. Looking forward to the next time.
Yes, it was an AWESOME get-together! Thank you ladies for all your work! And Fawn, next time I'll try to remember to bring you the feet jammies!
MarieLynn of DFW's Avatar
Yes, thank you to Kelly "Kisses To Your Business" TnT hehe and Fawn! It was great to meet new folks and get reacquainted with familiar friends. The food was delicious too!

Thank you to the gentleman who bought my margaritas.
I think Kelly and Fawn did a great job. What a crowd... made for a "hot" time for sure!! Everyone was really delightful to be around and talk with. I had a blast meeting everyone!

Vnurse it was a pleasure sharing a table with you and talking a bit!

** Note **
This is a note to the special someone whom I am so very glad I got to finally meet -- It was my privilege to meet you and you looked devastatingly lovely. I am glad someone knew enough to introduce me to you because I had wanted to meet you for a long time which you knew. Be safe out there and take care!
LonesomeDove, it was my pleasure...we'll have to spend more time visiting next time though!

To the others who "shared my table" AND stories: HOW FUN WAS THAT?! I don't know when I've laughed so hard!

I so enjoyed meeting ALL the new folks I hadn't met before! My new BFF (you know who you are!) will have her picture on my "family table" soon! LOL! I wish we had met sooner darlin'! You are delightful!