Fake Ad

Ad is in Rub Ratings KC. Is a new ad. Describes herself as
a sexy Latina. Open menu.

Sent a brief text inquiring about her availability. Got a quick response from her "pimp" who says he works for a Mexican
Cartel. He accused me of wasting her time.
His text rapidly escalated into threats I would have to pay a $3000 fine or he would threaten me and my family. Even listed my daughter's name and that he would kill her. Pretty laughable for a 3 sentence text asking about his girl's availability.It was pretty laughable how rapidly his threats escalated. I called him out that the more he threatened, the less believable he became. I told him to go "F" himself and he was clearly bluffing. He did not respond after that.
Be specific in these callouts. There are a few Latinas currently posting ads in R/R. Unless the ad already disappeared when posting your callout, it’s helpful to post a link. How do you think the dude knew your daughter’s name?
Cherokeechief's Avatar
Received a similar text about adult search. I didn't go to adult search. This guy wanted $5000 to not inform my family and said he was a Boss with MS-13. I have a untraceable number with a foreign VPN. So it was a scam and I blew it off.

It could be someone you know with a fake number trying to extort money from you as well.
dumars's Avatar
These stories remind me of a spoofed call I got on my Google Voice account ‘bout a year ago. Caller ID said “FBI”! No joke!!

Caller had a thick Spanish accent and advised me how I had been calling “known prostitutes”. I started laughing and asked the caller “who told you I was stupid”. “I have never heard of an FBI agent who couldn’t speak English” . . . (click)!
These stories remind me of a spoofed call I got on my Google Voice account ‘bout a year ago. Caller ID said “FBI”! No joke!! Originally Posted by dumars
About a year ago, as well, I had some missed calls appear on my GV account that identified themselves as Federal Bureau of Investigations. They didn’t leave a VM, and I never did get around to calling them back… Oops!
dumars's Avatar
For me it was the second call I made a point to answer having been intrigued by the FBI caller ID from the first call.

About a year ago, as well, I had some missed calls appear on my GV account that identified themselves as Federal Bureau of Investigations. They didn’t leave a VM, and I never did get around to calling them back… Oops! Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
I got the same thing to my google voice account. Blocked them and then they called and texted from a different number. Included the decapitation and other body part pics this time. Ditched GV phone number and will get a burner for hobby. I don’t need the nuisance. While I’m positive it’s a scam it was still disturbing to say the least.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Not a encounter moved to correct forum
dumars's Avatar

Same here! Pretty gruesome! I took it as some silly “threat”!

I did report this incident to the FBI as a cybercrime. No idea what came of it!

I got the same thing to my google voice account. Blocked them and then they called and texted from a different number. Included the decapitation and other body part pics this time. Ditched GV phone number and will get a burner for hobby. I don’t need the nuisance. While I’m positive it’s a scam it was still disturbing to say the least. Originally Posted by Johngalt0316
It was somewhat predictable. From her picture it was a too good to be true. No hobby name was used by her. I'm sure they just used my phone number and did a Google search. A good lesson to use a burner phone