Escorts & AA

scsholar's Avatar
I am asking this question just to get a solid response. Why is it that more and more providers are not willing to provide service for AA especially if they have their references and not have a blemish on their record.

I am personally one of those type clients. While I have not wrote reviews or hardly post much due to I focus on the alerts more so, I have seen people like thirdchild before she was on Eccie and AQTE4U (should write a review for her).

Anyway just curious?
houston.alexxx's Avatar
That's a good question. If references check-out then why not? I'm interested to see if any providers chime in on this topic.
DallasRain's Avatar
I personally am an equal opportunity provider! I luv all cock equally!!

I think alot of gals have had bad experinecs...but alot of those bad experiences are the result of improper screening
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Here is the thread for this discussion, about 70+ pages and 2000+ posts/opinions worth, feel free to join in there. You will soon discover that there are dozens of different answers to this all depends.