I know this may sound like a dumb question but how do I post a review on a provider or spa?
Thanks in advance
Go to the review forum (that fits your experience) and click on the New Review button. Next fill in the blanks.
Be sure to finish completing the boxes within one hour of cklicking New Review). Otherwise the system will cause a failure to post.
I have a suggestion: write your ROS (Rest of the Story) copy on a separate Word document, then cut & paste it in when you're filling in the fields on the review. That way if you mess up and lose the review or hit "Submit" too soon, you won't have to go back and re-write the entire ROS.
Wise words from sir P of Did, I do that all the time and is most helpful to tweak before posting. Once posted you can still make changes as required.
You can also refresh,which resets the time,so you don't time out.
Sometimes I'll dicate my review into a voice recognition program then tweak afterwards. Once it's ready, I upload.