SCOTUS Sides With Hobby Lobby........

The ruling pretty much speaks for itself.

I honestly thought that The Court would side with The Administration, giving that ruling on how Obama Care was declared Constitutional by reasoning that the mandates were indeed Taxes, not mandated penalties.

The ruling pretty much speaks for itself.

I honestly thought that The Court would side with The Administration, giving that ruling on how Obama Care was declared Constitutional by reasoning that the mandates were indeed Taxes, not mandated penalties. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Interesting. I wonder how long it will be before the tax scofflaws start filing lawsuits contending that they shouldn't have to pay taxes because it violates their sincerely held religious beliefs? Slippery slope.
Interesting. I wonder how long it will be before the tax scofflaws start filing lawsuits contending that they shouldn't have to pay taxes because it violates their sincerely held religious beliefs? Slippery slope. Originally Posted by timpage
The verdict (not a ruling) was narrowly written to exempt only closely held corporations. Obama and the progressives have already exempted religious organizations to avoid a firestorm of backlash from Catholics. The verdict was almost guaranteed given that Congress passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in 1994 to protect precisely this kind of abuse by government. This is the Gordian knot of progressive/liberal/nihilist proponents. You cannot run a tyrannical, government-knows-best regime with a diverse free populace. Lest the progressive come unglued, they should take a deep breath and realize that this is only a small defeat for compelling everyone to pay for objectionable contraceptives. It doesn't prohibit them. The tie between health care and contraception is not as firm as the larger scope of medical health care.

The bigger loss from SCOTUS was the exemption of home health care workers from compulsory union membership, another blow for freedom. Workers remain free to join unions, but are not bludgeoned to give up wages for SEIU political activity.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Interesting. I wonder how long it will be before the tax scofflaws start filing lawsuits contending that they shouldn't have to pay taxes because it violates their sincerely held religious beliefs? Slippery slope. Originally Posted by timpage
Do you mean like the religious left who has maintained that they do not have to support the military industrial complex with their taxes since the 1960s?
Let 'em get pregnant then support 'em on welfare..Makes sense to me.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
glad to see it, Hobby Lobby is one great company
WTF's Avatar
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  • 06-30-2014, 03:58 PM
Do you mean like the religious left who has maintained that they do not have to support the military industrial complex with their taxes since the 1960s? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Fucking A!

First Hobby Lobby not supporting so called killing and next WTF.
Sorry, this is one hell of a slippery slope.

Given enough time, today's ruling could walk back 30 years of civil rights progress. What if Hobby Lobby next decides that they believe the Bible when it says that the sons of Ham shall be forever cursed? This was a common slavery era argument to justify slavery. Christians believed that black people were direct descendants of Noah's son Ham. Are they going to be allowed to fire black people because the Bible tells them so?

Will a company owned by a Jewish family be allowed to fire a worker who brings some leftover pepperoni pizza to work? Can they force a woman to stay home from work every month during her menses, lest looking at her make them unclean?

What about a Muslim employer who requires his employees to pray throughout the work day? Will he be allowed to fire any employee who refuses to comply?

There have been more than a few instances where Muslim women were fired for wearing head scarves. In a few cases, courts have ordered the woman's job restored with back pay. Looks like those rulings are about to go out the window - provided of course, that we are talking about a "closely held company". Out of curiosity I looked up what a closely held company is, and what percentage of American corporations fit the definition. Looks like about 90% of American businesses fall under the heading of closely held. What fun.

Today's ruling just opened the door for a huge range of issues.
BigLouie's Avatar
Say hello to Sharia law thanks to the SCOTUS. Let me ask all the lawyers in this section. Now that a legal precedence has been set how long before some smart lawyers try to apply this in ways the SC never planned. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, for the dissenters asks, "how does the Court divine which religious beliefs are worthy of accommodation, and which are not?"

Yea welcome to that one.
The court’s four liberal justices called it a decision of “startling breadth” and said that it allows companies to “opt out of any law (saving only tax laws) they judge incompatible with their sincerely held religious beliefs.”

Same 'ol same 'ol, just like for Al Capone...Ignore whatever laws you want, you might get prosecuted, or maybe not... but you don't pay your taxes, the US will bust your ass.

And the hypocrisy of HL - I's bet 80+% of the stuff sold by HL is sourced from China. No problem with the one-child laws and forced abortions, no, no.
Hobby Lobby never said anything about what the people who worked for them did.

They simply said they did not want to pay for it.

I do not see any "slippery slope" here at all. SCOTUS made a very logical and down to earth decision.
Government over reach just got a little Smack on the knuckles... Don't worry Ozombies... We are still a snow ball rolling down hill, towards Hell.
Wonder how this will effect the ones who do not believe in medicine, and let their kids die rather than have them treated? The courts will be unable to force them to treat the kids or each other now.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-30-2014, 06:46 PM

I honestly thought that The Court would side with The Administration, giving that ruling on how Obama Care was declared Constitutional by reasoning that the mandates were indeed Taxes, not mandated penalties. Originally Posted by Jackie S
IMHO that is exactly why they should have ruled the other way.

But they did not and life goes on.
Old-T's Avatar
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  • 06-30-2014, 07:09 PM
This had no good resolution. But I bet we will be seeing a whole lot of "deeply held religious beliefs" coming up soon. This is going to be one hideous mess since there is no way to limit it to "real religions" without getting cross wise with showing preference to some religions.