Who is the xenophobe now, Joe?

gfejunkie's Avatar
I just love it when their words come around to bite them on the ass...

HoeHummer's Avatar
Is that what yous do? Just love it?

Good for yous, pops!

Yous must be loving Trump’s ass getting bitten every days then!

I just love it when their words come around to bite them on the ass...

https://www.politico.com/news/2020/0...t-china-202241 Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Biden and much of the left is so out of touch with reality at this point it's becoming laughable watching them day to day.

Biden wants to look the tough guy again, but much of the far left wants to ignore China's role in all of this.
Little Monster's Avatar
That's why Biden is beating Trump's ass right now. Everyone knows who the bigot is, who is much better fitted to handle a crisis.

The right keeps on telling themselves that they actually have a chance in November, but it just shows how outta wack they really are. Trump is weak, the right is weak, that's why they have gotten their asses handed to them the past three years. Trumps handling of this crisis has been abysmal to say the least.

6 months can't come soon enough. Trump will get his ass beat yet again.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That's why Biden is beating Trump's ass right now. Everyone knows who the bigot is, who is much better fitted to handle a crisis.

The right keeps on telling themselves that they actually have a chance in November, but it just shows how outta wack they really are. Trump is weak, the right is weak, that's why they have gotten their asses handed to them the past three years. Trumps handling of this crisis has been abysmal to say the least.

6 months can't come soon enough. Trump will get his ass beat yet again. Originally Posted by Little Monster

did Boris get that "Get well soon!" card i sent?

Jaxson66's Avatar
Biden and much of the left is so out of touch with reality at this point it's becoming laughable watching them day to day.

Biden wants to look the tough guy again, but much of the far left wants to ignore China's role in all of this. Originally Posted by eccielover
Talk about out of touch...You obviously haven’t been following the great leaders daily COVID19 press rallies, while the confederate Right continues to look for someone to place blame on for the great leaders incompetence. There’s more immediate priorities for the country at the moment than chasing conspiracy theories.
  • oeb11
  • 04-23-2020, 06:46 PM
None so blind as will not see!!!
Thanks j66
Jaxson66's Avatar
You got that right Obsey..some people can’t comprehend reality.
HedonistForever's Avatar
That's why Biden is beating Trump's ass right now. Everyone knows who the bigot is, who is much better fitted to handle a crisis.

Biden can't handle a sentence much less a crisis.

The right keeps on telling themselves that they actually have a chance in November, but it just shows how outta wack they really are.

That sounds vaguely familiar. Oh yeah, now I remember where I heard that before!

Trump is weak, the right is weak, that's why they have gotten their asses handed to them the past three years.

How many Supreme Court cases has Trump won and Dems lost? Did he have his ass handed to him in the Mueller report? Did he have his ass handed to him in the FISA case? Did he have his ass handed to him in his impeachment trial? What reality are you leaving in? Oh, right, the MSM polls is the reality you live in.

Trumps handling of this crisis has been abysmal to say the least.

6 months can't come soon enough. Trump will get his ass beat yet again. Originally Posted by Little Monster

Again? Are you laboring under the delusion that he lost last time? My assumption about you not living in reality seems to have been vindicated. We have another Jaxson, only seeing what he wants to see with no ability to see all the evidence and reach a conclusion based in reality.
Little Monster's Avatar
Again? Are you laboring under the delusion that he lost last time? My assumption about you not living in reality seems to have been vindicated. We have another Jaxson, only seeing what he wants to see with no ability to see all the evidence and reach a conclusion based in reality.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
This is 2020 not 2016. And since 2016 just about everything Trump has done has either been shot down or watered down, he's had his ass beat in every major special election, he got his ass beat in the midterms, he is currently getting his ass beat every day this pandemic goes on.
I find it hilarious that you would consider his impeachment trial a victory, he was aquitted by his own party genius, talk about reaching far.

What reality are YOU living in? Enjoy these next six months while you can. Trump WILL get his ass beat yet again.
  • oeb11
  • 04-24-2020, 08:12 AM
please - continue to bray Ur opinion - content urselves that Biden will win in a landslide - no ned for Fascist DPST's to go to the polls and vote - a citizen reponsbility U hate - and want ur party to take over and take care of all of U.

nov 2020 will be a nov 2016 redux!

Keep spreading your message - and stay home for the election. !
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Highly doubtful it’ll be a redux, President Trump will crush Biden far worse than Hillary. I’ll be in bed grinning by 10pm this time.
gfejunkie's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 04-24-2020, 12:23 PM
gfeJ - that is funny!!!!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...some people can’t comprehend reality. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

We know. But you keep doing you.