Just a heads up if you feel neglected....

Amber Does's Avatar
I just wanted to put it out there I had gallbladder removal surgery yesterday and feel like complete shit today and probably will on into the weekend possibly for a week until I can move alright.

So if email or pm or text me and I dont reply for days its probably because im resting... a lot!!

Dont take it personal I know that happens with me and when I stop responding to people sometimes they get all discombobulated.

I will try and get to appointment requests as I can. Its hard to even sit up right now :-(



Heres a lil pic for you :-)

Feel better!
The Drummer's Avatar
A wish for a speedy recovery, Amber.

MountainGoat's Avatar
Feel better Amber

Highwayman64's Avatar
Hope you feel better soon darlin !
ben dover's Avatar
Take all the time the doc says and get back 100%...BD
  • jackm
  • 12-10-2014, 10:25 AM
Amber, get well soon. I'm impressed with your use of discombobulated - don't think I've ever seen that in print before!
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Get well soon sweetie!!
Masarati's Avatar
I hope you feel better soon :-)
All my best Amber!
Get well soon!
FlyboyNY's Avatar
Hope your feeling better soon. If you need something let me know.
Poor girl!
Back in no time pooh!