So Hillary NEVER had a secure Government E-Mail account

According to Federal Law, all Government Officials are supposed to have a Secure Government E-Mail account. This is for reasons of security, and accountability.

But it seems Hillary, in her tenure as SOS, didn't. She did everything on a personal account.

So what's the big deal?? Well, when someone, such as Congress, Special Prosecutor, or any body with subpoena power wants to see them, you can just choose to not hand over any incriminating E-Mails, or just delete any you don't want to hand over, as you are in control of your personal account.

That blond on MSNBC just said this morning that it's no big deal, Hillary would never hide anything. We trust her. She is above reproach.

After all, she is, in reality, Mrs Bill Clinton.

Move along, nothing to see here.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Number 1 she is a Democrat elitist and believes she is exempt from the rule of law.
What difference does it make at this point.
How did this go undetected/unreported for years?

If Joe Citizen was emailing the SoS; did he send an email inquiry to

How could journalists, senators and others who communicated regularly with HRC not know about this?
It was known that Lisa P Jackson, former head of the EPA was doing govt business from a nonofficial email account and it cost her her job.

This was long before Benghazi or Louis Lerner or some of Eric Holder email controversies.

What we have here is a systematic noncompliance of the law from the "most transparent administration in US history."
LexusLover's Avatar
What we have here is a systematic noncompliance of the law from the "most transparent administration in US history." Originally Posted by gnadfly
Perhaps Hillarious thought that "transparency" means "non-Secured"!

After all she apparently thought that "secure" meant in shoe boxes in her closet!
And remember Sarah Palin being attacked for having/using private email accounts. Ultimately all her emails were made public.

It was known that Lisa P Jackson, former head of the EPA was doing govt business from a nonofficial email account and it cost her her job.

This was long before Benghazi or Louis Lerner or some of Eric Holder email controversies.

What we have here is a systematic noncompliance of the law from the "most transparent administration in US history." Originally Posted by gnadfly
And remember Sarah Palin being attacked for having/using private email accounts. Ultimately all her emails were made public. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
What makes you think any of Hillary's E-Mails still even exist.

Joe Scarbourough had a good take on it. "It's just The Clintons being The Clintons".
LexusLover's Avatar
How about in addition to "full financial disclosure" ... "full email/text disclosure"!

Just ask NSA for a print out or upload to a web page.
It is both astonishing and disheartening that the American press, public, and opinion makers aren't outraged over the constant power grab and secrecy of this administration.


What we have here is a systematic noncompliance of the law from the "most transparent administration in US history." Originally Posted by gnadfly
74comet's Avatar
Might as well get this out of the way well before the 2016 elections. By then all will be forgotten and forgiven and we will end up with another Pres. Clinton and First Lady Bill.
LexusLover's Avatar
Might as well get this out of the way well before the 2016 elections. By then all will be forgotten and forgiven ..... Originally Posted by 74comet
Because getting the first female President is more important than .... well...

.. anything, including the survival of the Republic.
It is both astonishing and disheartening that the American press, public, and opinion makers aren't outraged over the constant power grab and secrecy of this administration.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yeah, you ought to think hard about that....maybe it's because you and the rest of the clown posse are....nuts? And, the rest of us...are right not to get our panties in a wad over largely untrue and imagined power grabs and secrecy?
LexusLover's Avatar
...the rest of us...are right not to get our panties in a wad over largely untrue and imagined power grabs and secrecy? Originally Posted by timpage
Does that mean ......

you get YOUR panties in a wad over largely true and unimagined power grabs and secrecy the current band of liberals trying to convert our country into an entitlement grab bag for the foreigners systemically infesting it?

... as in give them a social security number, a "refund check" when they've paid no taxes to refund, and an ID card so they can vote for the folks who ...

gave them a social security number, a "refund check" when they've paid no taxes to refund, and an ID card so they can vote?

Or does that actually both you?
Does that mean ......

you get YOUR panties in a wad over largely true and unimagined power grabs and secrecy the current band of liberals trying to convert our country into an entitlement grab bag for the foreigners systemically infesting it?

... as in give them a social security number, a "refund check" when they've paid no taxes to refund, and an ID card so they can vote for the folks who ...

gave them a social security number, a "refund check" when they've paid no taxes to refund, and an ID card so they can vote?

Or does that actually both you? Originally Posted by LexusLover
No, I let you get your panties in a wad over it numbnuts......assuming there is actually some support for the assertion. Or, would such occurrences be largely anecdotal or completely untrue?

I will agree that the Hillary private email story is disturbing. Makes her look like the Bush administration.....I missed all your quacking and braying and bleating and moaning about it back then....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It is both astonishing and disheartening that the American press, public, and opinion makers aren't outraged over the constant power grab and secrecy of this administration.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway

True Dat!