Hey, Guy Fawkes

Altbier's Avatar
It's your day. If you start getting hot flashes, it's probably because they're burning you in effigy over in England.
Willen's Avatar
For those who don't know, Guy Fawkes was an Englishman who misbehaved badly centuries ago. It's a sort of holiday over there, especially among those disinclined to behave all that properly today.
robexar's Avatar
English 4th of July with fireworks and bonfires.
Hangings, disembowelment while still conscious, and dismemberment (quartering) with the dismembered parts dipped in hot oil and put on display at each major entrance to the city.

But Guy Fawkes beat the sentence... as he climbed up ladder on the gallows to be hung without being killed (so the above could be done to him), he jumped and broke his neck so that he wasn't conscious while the above was done to him....

So the story goes....

Ah, the British! they really knew how to party!
guy fawkes's Avatar
I enjoyed the Lewes Bonfire this year

I bare;y made it in time and was not taking pics because I wanted to stay low being one of two AA there

Spent most of my time with a woman from Sydney
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Just dropping by to say hi, Altbier..