Buying Electronics from

I'm in the market for a new TV and Home Theater System. Unfortunately, my shopping experiences for big dollar purchases are characterized by intimidation, frustration and anger, lol. So naturally, I would prefer to gain extensive information about products I'm interested in and then just buy them online. Saves me time and prevents me from ripping my extensions out of my scalp!

Does anyone have any experience with The prices are very affordable, however most of the products are refurbished. Is this an issue? If so, can anyone point me in the direction of a site that has comparable prices but better products?

Austin is a city of technophiles, so I'm hoping some of you compugeeks will talk real nerdy to me and lead me in the right direction! Thanks! xoxo
rrrabbit's Avatar
Here's how I cheat: go to Best Buy, and I figure out what make/model I want. Then I search eBay for the model # and pick my digital toy. Like you, I don't have the time or the patience to drive store to store and listen to sales gimmicks.

I would personally not purchsase a refurbished TV (risk vs savings is not quite there - for $500 more, I get the new one).

However, I have had no issues purchasing used high-end stuff from sites like
Try A&B TV on Anderson Lane. They have a smoking deal for a Sony 52 inch XBR52HX909 bundled with a 160 gig PS-3, 3-D emitter, and 2 pair of 3-D Glasses for $1999 plus tax or you can buy the TV alone for $1599. When you compare them to Best Buy, the review for BB is not pretty (and I am a big shopper at best buy)!!!

Best buy doesen't even carry the XBR series (Sony's top of the line sets). The TV alone on Sony's web site is $3K.

nuglet's Avatar
also, online check out Abes of Maine (
We recently bought an 82" from them, free shipping, no tax, and ended up being about $1000 less than any local store. It was delivered to our door and I would definitely shop with them again.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Lots of places to go. But unless you've got a real fire in your ass KLK, hang tight. With 3D TV rolling out, EVERYBODY's making deals. Each week, the price of TVs and other electronics go down another hundred bucks. Wait a month and you'll save even more... and then, of course, what you buy will be obsolete the second you plug it into the wall.

And that the shits?
Wow! Thanks for all the advice, y'all. I'm just gonna buy new from Once its delivered, who wants to help me hook it all up?
rrrabbit's Avatar
You supplying the beer ?
newegg is good site, frys electronics has a larger selection than bb. however best buy does a buy program. dont know how it works or if they select only few items but i know they do it.
Don't forget that BB will price match. If you can find the same model cheaper somewhere else then they will match that price. They also have a great returns policy. My son dropped his new iPod Touch down the toilet and, after carefully drying it by sitting it in rice for a week, they exchanged it with no questions asked. Even better; I had bought it at Frys!
If anyone had the time and inclination to read a horrendously long nightmare, I would print it out for you.

Here's the Cliff Notes version:

I'm in the middle of a nasty lawsuit with Best Buy because of bad installation, sales people have no product knowledge, installers have no experience or training despite BB's claims, more than $2100 damages to my car and still getting bills & collections notices for merchandise ($1800) that was uninstalled & returned to them while enduring constant stonewalling by the managers all the way.

With the help of a professional shop, it's taken $2500 to repair/replace pieces of my car to absolute satisfaction. I have the documents & receipts to prove it.

All of it started mid December. It was supposed to be resolved in January. Now it's April and still causing serious issues.

Unless you have the patience and knowledge of the merchandise & installations or whatever ... Buyer Beware of Best Buy!

Best Buy has a history of very bad customer service. With me on 2 separate occasions and with the public in general. Doing some investment research, BB is having some financial problems even though Circuit City went out of business......
Pretty sad when your biggest competitor goes out of business and you can't keep your customers happy!
rCoder's Avatar
Don't waste your money on BB's buy back program. BB will also push real hard for extended warranties, which are just about pure profit for them. The rule of thumb is don't buy any electronics you can't afford to lose. Also stay away from the high priced latest and greatest, you can save a bundle getting what was the latest and greatest six months ago.

When I bought my last TV, I did buy it from BB, but it was the last one in stock on clearance. Saved about $1000 over what they wanted just a month before.

You can try to do online research. The biggest problem I hit was by the time any serious review of a product was published, that particular model number was no longer available anywhere. Also noticed that BB seemed to be playing the unique to BB model number game (this was a few years ago).
lovelamp's Avatar
sign up for TigerDirect deal newsletter, they have some awesome specials. I get almost all of my stuff there

If you are going to go 3d though, nothing beats a projection system. I love my 120 inch 3D setup, feels like I am in the theater.
Obama sucks's Avatar
Kickass thread!
They may have improved but be careful of Tiger Direct too ...

I bought an Averatec netbook from them awhile back. As soon as it arrived, it died. White screen, no response. Returned it and was told the charge would remain on my credit card until the netbook showed up at the warehouse, then refunded.

A second Averatec netbook (same model) was sent. It wouldn't even power on. Sent it back. Was told same thing as before. The charges would be removed when the netbook was returned.

My bill showed the charges but no refunds.

TD had created an account against my wishes and placed the credits on it.

After calling my credit card company and explaining the situation, chargebacks were issued and TD had to refund everything.

Be sure to check Yelp, Angie's List, the Better Business Bureau and anywhere else possible before investing your cash into costly purchases.

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