BENGHAZI - Some of you Teapublicans need to STFU

You Morons have lost all perspective on Benghazi!

While it is sad and disheartening when a US Embassy is attacked and lives are lost, it does happen. Most sensible people don't use it as political fodder.

However Fox "News" and the idiotic wing nuts on this site seem to be intent on making this attack another failed rallying cry to use to manipulate Low Information Voters.

In a flagrant show of stupidity, t
he creeps here continue to copy and paste their desperate, baseless right wing crap about Benghazi on this board.

Where were your righteous demands for investigations after the 11 US Embassy attacks under W?

Under the 'watchful' eyes of

George W. Bush

11 US Embassies were attacked

resulting in 53 Deaths and 90 Injuries!

Get some!

And that's not even counting 9/11!

Fox and you cretins might want to stop showing your asses now!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Oh, one of the Teapublicans replied challenging my sources because he didn't remember any under Bush. I gave him all the reference material he needed. Now there will for sure be crickets or hijacking/subject changing from the bilious right wing!

Those of you with selective Teapublican memory syndrome can choke on these links.

Here is the overview of Embassy attacks since the late 50’s

Here are two attacks in Yemen in 2008.

Here is one in Istanbul, Turkey in 2008

I listed those in case you want to verify them one by one. Some say 12 attacks but I only listed 11 since the first Yemen mortar attack tragically hit a girl’s school next door to the US Embassy. They repeated the attack months later and hit the embassy.

Go ahead and look them up one by one!

Now, it is time to MOVE THE FUCK ALONG and to quit trying to politicize tragic deaths you cretins.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I guess it worked, Stevie, they STFU.

Now that early voting is over, there's not much they can do to influence the ECCIE vote...
cptjohnstone's Avatar
ok, I will give you credit there were 11/12 attacks

but how many Americans were killed? I guess GW send the requested support

you donkeys do not get the main issue other than the deaths, it was a fucking cover up and it is just getting worse by the day
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you defending ge's foreign policy, private parts?
Can you not read "53 Deaths"?
So I guess GWB did NOT send the appropriate support or perhaps neither president intended not to support the embassies fully. I prefer to believe the latter and you Teapublicans prefer to believe the latter about Bush and use the fatalities to bash Obama.

Captain Johnstone - look at you scrambling for "other" MAIN POINTS when it is proven you have no memory.

If you had checked the sources closely that I gave you, the casualties are LISTED.

Teapublicans are incapable of paying attention or they would remember Romney's being on both sides of EVERY issue!

Congratulations on being a bigot and voting for serial liars and exaggerators like R-Money and Pvt. Ryan.

Hell, the car companies had to slap R-Money up against the head after the false story about sending U.S. car jobs to China and then he still kept running the lying ads.

Is it still fresh enough for you to remember his photo-op/"relief event" when he bought the donations from Walmart so his donors would have something to donate? How pathetic is that? LMAO!

Romney/Ryan Bringing Back Lying in 2012
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Captain Johnstone - look at you scrambling for "other" MAIN POINTS when it is proven you have no memory.

If you had checked the sources closely that I gave you, the casualties are LISTED.

Teapublicans are incapable of paying attention or they would remember Romney's being on both sides of EVERY issue!

Congratulations on being a bigot and voting for serial liars and exaggerators like R-Money and Pvt. Ryan.

Hell, the car companies had to slap R-Money up against the head after the false story about sending U.S. car jobs to China and then he still kept running the lying ads.

Is it still fresh enough for you to remember his photo-op/"relief event" when he bought the donations from Walmart so his donors would have something to donate? How pathetic is that? LMAO!

Romney/Ryan Bringing Back Lying in 2012
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
When in doubt ...Photo Op!

LMAO @ insincere lying assholes
cptjohnstone's Avatar
still cannot find where any Americans died, as I said "it is the cover up" that is why Fox keeps covering it

you are like my former donkey friend who would leave the room when I turned Fox on, hell they have a donkey on the show from 4 till 5:30pm. You are just a closed minded SOB

as to the auto industry, it was the unions that got 48% ownership of GM?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
In which of the attacks under Bush were the cries for help met with "Stand down" three times?
How many US Ambassadors died?


BTW, don't act like you gathered all these "facts" yourself Stevie. You are a WikiFraud too.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I can't find any either, but I'm curious about something (and if you guys are serious about wanting to teach Righties, please answer with something other than how retarted I am, I mean really? You want me to see your way while you rag on me. Let's see if it's just hate or a true desire to help educate.

No american is for their government to do nothing which causes the death of the best American's around. This just happens to be the case that broke the camels back. I've looked up all the links and read where we've had attacks (of course we've had attacks, duh, we are American's.) But this is one that happened ON SEP 11 because of SEP 11. That hasn't happened since 01. This is a totally different ball game. We are at war and denying that doesn't make sense to me. What in this could I possibly be missing? Please just explain to me. I swear to you that I will stand with any democrat if Romney ever pauses and our boys are killed when he had 3 chances over 7 hours, You can bet your bullets I'll be just as outraged. Why are you not this time?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What is your purpose, LOVING? You are so encased in the Teapublican bubbles that you've forgotten everything that may matter to you.

Not that it matters to me, but you've established yourself as the leading Idiot with a clit on ECCIE.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It is the inaction of Obama and the action of calling off help. Then it becomes about the coverup, the selling out of free speech at the UN, the arrest of a film maker (and continued incarceration), the lies, the lies, and the lies. Tell me you understand that simple concept now?

Stevie, while you were cutting and pasting I take it you never actually read what you put up. If you had you would have found how accurate your source was. Go down to the bottom and click on further details on the Libyan attack. It will take you to a Wikipedia page named "Reactions to Innocence of Muslims"

You are one stupid hack Stevie.
joe bloe's Avatar
ok, I will give you credit there were 11/12 attacks

but how many Americans were killed? I guess GW send the requested support

you donkeys do not get the main issue other than the deaths, it was a fucking cover up and it is just getting worse by the day Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Nixon was forced to resign because of his participation in covering up a relatively minor crime. Obama is covering up something far more serious. He is covering up his incompetence that caused the death of four American citizens.