ConyersIII, the acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree!

bambino's Avatar
It would be impossible to make this shit up.
bambino's Avatar
His great nephew wants the Conyers throne too. Can’t wait to see his rap sheet.
Like son like dad..

IMO NO ONE with a felony record should ever be allowed to even RUN FOR a local office, let alone federal..
bamscram's Avatar
Wonder who she was fucking to piss him off? LOL
His daddy taught him right! Originally Posted by bambino
Guess he can be official recognized as a " Dindu Nuffin " after the DA declined to press charges. That ought to win him some ghetto thug votes. You know, those that are all " hip " to loot and riot after a verdict doesn't go their way, so they steal from and burn their own neighbors businesses ala Ferguson !
Guess he can be official recognized as a " Dindu Nuffin " after the DA declined to press charges. That ought to win him some ghetto thug votes. You know, those that are all " hip " to loot and riot after a verdict doesn't go their way, so they steal from and burn their own neighbors businesses ala Ferguson ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Maybe the DA didn't prosecute cause he KNEW the black thugs would go on rioting sprees...