If you could be invisible, where would you go and what would you do?

I was watching Hollow man the other nite, that has Kevin Bacon in it where he is invisible, great movie. So I started thinking what would everyone else do if they were invisible? I would sneak on a plane and go to the most expensive island I could find, that has the best hotel and stay there for as long as i could. You know like those resorts that you see on the lifestyles of the rich and famous, where a room cost like $4000 a nite. I would be in heaven.
aRandyOne's Avatar
I'd go to Naughtyville and see if the girls really do have the naked pillow fights.
I'd go hang out with the Taliban & Al Qaeda for a few months....jerk 'em around a bit......whisper things in their ears like.........." there's no 17 virgins waiting for your ass when you die ".
Well, I sure as hell wouldn't have to pay cover at the titty bar anymore
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Assuming you don't need training or protective gear when invisible, I would sneak onto a space shuttle and blast into space.
gman44's Avatar
women's locker rooms
rekcaSxT's Avatar
women's locker rooms Originally Posted by geniusman

As well as go to large faceless corporations and steal their cash.

Omaha, I also would go to the titty bars, but I would probably go on stage and fondle the girls, it would be fun to see the looks on their faces...
Judge Smails's Avatar
Good one Bob, or of course the other variation is " Allah didn't say you get 70 virgins, but one 70 year old virgin"

Hope they don't put out a fatwah on my ass...

I'd go hang out with the Taliban & Al Qaeda for a few months....jerk 'em around a bit......whisper things in their ears like.........." there's no 17 virgins waiting for your ass when you die ". Originally Posted by bobachman
If I was invisible, then I could give-up tequila and still act like a fool in Puerto Vallarta.
steverino50's Avatar
Judge I think you mis-heard that...they get Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Tyler, Taylor and Harrison...7 VIRGINIANS that are gonna kick their butts.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Well...if I could have been invisible today, I would have gone out on the field and tripped a few of those Vikings. The Cowboys sure could have used the help. :-(

OK, I know...I'm obsessed. LOL
gman44's Avatar
Well...if I could have been invisible today, I would have gone out on the field and tripped a few of those Vikings. The Cowboys sure could have used the help. :-(

OK, I know...I'm obsessed. LOL Originally Posted by M A X
Why didn't you? They could've used your help
I've heard of people that want to get out of town, but honestly Nicole, you're turning it into a fetish.

1. Would spend a whole mess of time on the beaches of Rio.

2. Would never again have to pay $20 for movie, box of popcorn and a drink.

3. Would get to see Angelina Jolie's orgasm face without her every knowing.

4. Would spend a year in Europe and not worry about the Euro vs. Dollar.

5. Would enjoy on-stage pass to every concert I'd ever see again.
Judge Smails's Avatar
That would be nice. Or, maybe thats the name of the new Cowboy offense line, given the ass kicking they took today...

Judge I think you mis-heard that...they get Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Tyler, Taylor and Harrison...7 VIRGINIANS that are gonna kick their butts. Originally Posted by steverino50
Judge I think you mis-heard that...they get Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Tyler, Taylor and Harrison...7 VIRGINIANS that are gonna kick their butts. Originally Posted by steverino50
LMAO! That was Brilliant, Steverino!

If I could be invisible and go anywhere, I would fly for free, and visit every country, every city, and see everything I always wanted to.