Is this Okay Married/boyfriend/girlfriend/fun buddy

Jennatx's Avatar
So I has been brought up in a conversation is it okay to take advantage of ( Sex,oral etc) of someone who is under medication, or alcohol. While there are asleep in other words unable to give consent.
Even though you are in a sexual relationship with that partner prior.
Hell No! That's rape
CubanAva's Avatar
What the fuck? That’s called fucking RAPE! Hell to the fuck no.
Stewie griffen's Avatar
Without prior consent, for example as part of a fantasy, its not .
An intoxicated person, by law, can’t give consent. Sexual Assault. Period.

That said, the lines get blurry when both parties are intoxicated and one or both appear to give consent.
Jennatx's Avatar
This was Scsholar

I was involved with him and I will admit this on my end we did have some what oF a relationship.I was never engaged to him. I now know now from a provider he had seen he comfirmed a few questions I still could not answer.
One night after going out drinking and I feel asleep and woke up to condoms all over the room and I do not remember a thing. He just rolled over and told me you were great last night. I felt so disgusted and ashamed and I did stop and pull away from the relationship all together and wished to never see him again. He always came to my place and brought liquir which to me I should of seen as a red flag cause I was sick to my stomach for three days and even a family memebr started to get concern.
I do drink but never to a point where I am sick vomitting for three days. Ever since I stop seeing him never happen again.
He has contacted members of my family to hang out and they do not care to see him,
He has vented to many people about me even acknowledge he did have sex with me while intoxicated. Also admiting to taking the condom off.
I have been checked and I am fine Thank God.
So this is my side of the story. As embarresed as I am right now I am sorry to have to write this .
Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry that happened to you.

This was Scsholar

I was involved with him and I will admit this on my end we did have some what oF a relationship.I was never engaged to him. I now know now from a provider he had seen he comfirmed a few questions I still could not answer.
One night after going out drinking and I feel asleep and woke up to condoms all over the room and I do not remember a thing. He just rolled over and told me you were great last night. I felt so disgusted and ashamed and I did stop and pull away from the relationship all together and wished to never see him again. He always came to my place and brought liquir which to me I should of seen as a red flag cause I was sick to my stomach for three days and even a family memebr started to get concern.
I do drink but never to a point where I am sick vomitting for three days. Ever since I stop seeing him never happen again.
He has contacted members of my family to hang out and they do not care to see him,
He has vented to many people about me even acknowledge he did have sex with me while intoxicated. Also admiting to taking the condom off.
I have been checked and I am fine Thank God.
So this is my side of the story. As embarresed as I am right now I am sorry to have to write this . Originally Posted by Jennatx
CubanAva's Avatar
This should be in alerts
This should be in alerts Originally Posted by CubanAva
No, this should be in a police report
CubanAva's Avatar
No, this should be in a police report Originally Posted by assfucker
That too. 10000%
An intoxicated person, by law, can’t give consent. Sexual Assault. Period.

That said, the lines get blurry when both parties are intoxicated and one or both appear to give consent. Originally Posted by LimitlessJD
Let me clarify...the lines for prosecution get blurry.
I'm so sorry this happened to you!
winn dixie's Avatar
I can personally vouch for everything jenna has said .. I have seen the whiskey bottles left by scholar. Jenna and I have seen each other several times off the clock, and spent new years eve together. We both drank quit a bit, and the next morning she commented on how funny it was that she was not sick like the times she had drank with scholar. She said that many times after drinking with scholar she would wake up with used condoms all over the floor, feeling nauseated and throwing up with memory loss. This happened more than once !!
Scholar has been stalking jenna leaving plastic flowers at her apartment, unwarranted texts calls emails to her family. Most notably to jenna;s cousin. I have personally seen his texts to jenna and her cousin. Jenna has told scholar many times to stop contacting her but still he does. I helped jenna move her stuff in December and while moving her scholar contacted her 3 times. Each time she told him to stop. Again none of this did any good! So scholar has in turn been spreading lies about jenna. Be warned ladies scholar is somebody to not see!! He cannot take the word NO, and always wants to have the last word. Jenna is too sweet to have to put up with this b/s..
winn dixie's Avatar
With my latest ex, we would go a handle of Kentucky Deluxe and follow it up with Dos Equis. Talking about Jennatx

The ex before her $150 tabs getting cowboys and beer. Some very sloppy sex with her. Originally Posted by scsholar
Does anyone see a pattern here of getting girls drunk, and having what he calls sloppy sex ?!

There's a special place for these types of guys !!