STG AMP codes

Has anyone else noticed for the AMP postings there are always numbers and letters at the end? For example something like 3m2 or -1? Some are just numbers, some contain the letter M, some E. I think these are sex trafficking codes, so the people involved can keep track of what is going on at each place. I have devised this to partially account for how many women/ men are at a particular location. I believe a number by itself to be the number of women. If it just says 2, that means the there are 2 women running the place with no men supervising. M means there is a guy at that location overseeing or 2M, 2 guys etc. Bayberry says 50M1. I believe this to mean there are 50 women in "inventory" to one guy running the place. They may or may not all be there at any given time, but i do happen to know from an undisclosed source, one women there was quoted saying, "there's a lot of people here"This could all be nonsense, or not. Either way, I do not think codes are not there by coincidence or error. Some of them end in E. such as 808e3. I'm not sure that to make of that. I checked police codes and 808 means disturbing the peace, maybe irrelevant, maybe not.

Just be careful out there. I think a lot of these places are all part of the same shady network of trafficking. There's no way there's no investigation going on.
Bull Sack,

I hae no idea what these letters/numbers mean and if they are a code of any kind - but I am not sure your "decoding" makes any sense to me.

But I do think you are 100% right that most (if not all) of these places are part of a human trafficing ring or rings and I will never go to one again.
I do think they are part of a ring I have become pretty good friends with one girl she gives me food and is always sending food home with me she has told me alot about the business the only reason I make a weekly visit is she says she thinks of me as a friend and we give each other things and says she enjoys our time together
Since COVID the number of AMPs in the area has grown significantly. The range of services has grown and the turn over has increased. The ladies used to be nicer and friendlier but anything beyond a handjob (and tit sucking) was fairly rare - with the exceptions of CICi and Anna (and 1 wild fuck I had at Red May). The ladies were also much nicer and friendlier. Now they turn over fast and most of them seem to hate what they do.

These places are super convenient but the price has gone way up and while more is available, the whole experience seems to have gone down hill fast.

Sex traffickers should be executed - so while I hope none of you get caught, I hope they nail the bastards.
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