
  • MrGiz
  • 11-25-2010, 08:43 PM
Intangibles.... do they mean much to the average dawg in Arkansas?

Good communication skills when setting appointment... consistent reviews from multiple venues... full menu, including MSOG... Nice Incall / Upscale Hotel Rooms... candlelight... beverages served... nice clothing/lingerie... intelligent conversation... nice nails & hair... total lack of melodrama... etc...

Nicer Incall locations often mean a higher rate... is the average Arkansas guy impressed enough to spend a few extra bucks for it.... providing the girl has an excellent reputation?

TechOne's Avatar
Giz for many it probably comes down to economics for many. One someone's had a top draw experience with candles, music, conversation, sharing one's favorite adult beverage (pinot grigio, of course), who wouldn't want that on a routine basis. Yes, in most instances it does cost a bit more, but for me it creates the desire for repeat business just because of the experience.

Whether its economics or just personal preference, there does seem to have developed a "hit and run" market segment that was non-existent in this market several years ago. . . with maybe the exception of Roosevelt Rd, but I have ZERO first hand knowledge of that! LOL
SouthernBorn's Avatar
Giz & Lookn',

As always, you two old horndawgs know what questions and answers are important. Lookn' is right about economics, but most people overly concerned about price are not hanging out here, they are on Backpage or somewhere else.

I hope that the ladies take the comments to heart . . . . the little extras make for truly memorable experiences (i.e.; repeat business and lots of referrals).
thethriller01's Avatar
Just your average dawg here, and they do matter. If she doesn't provide these things you are more than likely not going to go see her again or not all. If she does those things, and does them very well, chances are you're going to go back at some piont in time as will others, and besides it's in her best interest for repeats or new blood. Word travels fast when provides are no good. Of course all of this is for not if you are looking just for that gotta have it now just give to me encounter.