Yes it is, but the time has come for me to say goodbye!!! Alot in my life has changed and it is so hectic that I really think its time. I have had alot of fun here on the boards, and I hate to leave, but I have to! At the end of December I will no longer be available.

I will be visiting middle of December for my last trip!! I want to thank you personally San Antonio for the great times I have had!!!

I will keep my account active for a few months to help with references before I go but after that I will be shutting off the hobby phone and closing the account! I will really miss everyone again thanks for all that you have done for me especially this last year with my grandkids situation!!

Please everyone have fun and be safe!!!

The Queen of Well You Know!!! LOL

Exotic Yazmin DDD's Avatar
You are a class act, a great provider, and a lovely person!! You deserve all the best!
You will be missed in the hobby and on the board.

Good luck to you darlin!!!
Thanks hun, I hope we can do lunch when I visit in a few weeks!!
levi tab's Avatar
Oh dam

Wish you only the best for you Liz

Oh dam

Wish you only the best for you Liz

Originally Posted by levi tab
Thanks hun I will see you soon!!