how messed up the system really is in nys

  • m2244
  • 07-17-2010, 10:18 PM
okay so this is where it starts and bare with me because this is way off the topics we are all used to here, but what better place to get all types of point of view then here?! this is not a happy topic either :/ kitten who is three but my baby so will always be my kitten, got sick about two days ago, now he has had a block before...(where he cant go "Potty") , and I brought him to the hospital and they told me he had to be put down......I did not trust this for some reason and went in to see my kitty and he lunged at me with this fear in his eyes that i knew i needed to take him home and wait for the vet in the morning.....when i brought him to the vet he had him all better in three days for 300 dollars which he let me do through a payment plan. so this time once it got bad today I knew it was the same thing....but worse. I had no other option but the animal hospital because my vet was closed and not answering his on call phone....when I got there they said it was really bad way worse then last time and that I could have a catheter put in him again like last time at the vet and he could stay there for three days or so for around 1500 upfront. I immeditly starting crying and asking them for payment plans because i did not have that much cash right there they REFUSED to help my cat without up front payment. So i asked if i had any other options and they said that i could have him put down for 400 upfront or bring him home and pray until Monday or find an office that would do it tomorrow with the catheter. Is it just me or if this was a human being wouldn't they of operated or done what they needed to and then worried about plans.....why is it right to just let an animal dye or "wait" to be treated because of upfront cash. Yes I understand they could have to deal with tracking people down and such , but how is that different from any other doctors office. now I am sitting home with my sick kitty who is all sad and hurting just hoping that there is an office open on sundays to help me....if anyone knows of any vet clinics that will do on call things please let me know....this is heartbreaking and he is a part of my family...which im sure anyone with a pet or ever had a pet can understand
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Praying for your cat.
  • m2244
  • 07-18-2010, 08:56 AM
thanks :/
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 07-18-2010, 09:14 AM
I hope everything works out for you and your kitty Mary.

Not to make light of you situation, but when I first read this post very quickly, I could not help but chuckle thinking that this had an ulterior meaning if you know what I mean LOL. Seriously though, I hope you cat gets better.

Amazing how this all comes down to how much we care about pussy.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Praying for your cat. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
GP: That is why my post is worded as is. I used kitty, rereading before I hit submit. Na, had to change it. Kitten was also a no go, but not as bad.

So as a dog person for my preferred pet, still praying for your cat m2244.
I had a cat that lived 20 years. When she was 13 she started having blockage issues. It turned out to be diet. I used to feed her dry cat food all her life. I changed her diet to a wet canned food diet and she lived comfortably till I had to put her down 7 years later.

I don't know your cat's situation...I'm not vet... But your story just reminded me of my cat and how i had handled it and how it worked for me.
  • m2244
  • 07-18-2010, 11:54 AM
thanks everyone......and i know "kitty" ha ha
Mary, I'm sorry to hear about your pet. They can become a major part of the family.

As a benchmark, a couple of weeks we had to put down our dog. She had been with us for over 14 1/2 years and my youngest doesn't remember a day when the dog wasn't in her life.

She had an inoperable tumor pushing against her colon that prevented her from taking an effective BM. We had the tumor confirmed by an X-ray and so we know this was a true diagnosis.

We ended up scheduling a euthanasia appointment at our house instead of going in to the vet. The guy charged us $99 for a house visit. I then drove our dog over to the Vet hospital across from MCC where for a couple of hundred dollars they took care of her remains.

If you want any info on our vet, or the vet that made the house call or the vet hospital that took care of the remains, drop me a PM. Our vet is in Fairport and is great. The house call guy lives in Webster. The vet hospital for the remains is in Henrietta.

Best wishes for you and your animal.
  • EENY
  • 07-18-2010, 05:22 PM
Baby I just spoke with the golfer, your at the vets now, so u may read this offf ur phone, if so, call kid... you know how i am about my pussy as well.... so I understand, and u have one of my kittens with u as well! Lets hit Bolder's cafe tonight for Buddahood... on at 8 so not much time... guys reading this... Krista and I will be at the free show, feel free to drop in and say hello! Mary call mama... my prayers are with you and golfer guy!!!!
  • m2244
  • 07-18-2010, 07:09 PM
thanks again everyone...yes i came up with the money needed for the "deposit" :/.......and thanks tony i will call you
That just seriously made me almost ball I would be heart broken if something happened to Bella and I couldn't have her all better!! I did notice when I started taking my puggle to the vet, that all appointments are always supposed to be paid in full. Luckily it hasn't been an issue for me as of yet. But it did make me question or want to question what happens if she ate something and needed emergency surgery. I know there are a lot of different credit cards out there for pets and for people who have no health insurance that are low interest rate, but that could take weeks to be approved I would think. If our pets are supposed to be part of the family, why aren't they treated that way at the vets? Hopefully your kitty is doing well sweetie.
  • m2244
  • 07-26-2010, 03:52 PM
hes doing much better, I was able to make him at ease and stable for that one night at home due to my past medical schooling, ( i knew it would come in handy someday lol)....and then got him to the vet as soon as I came up with the money QUICKLY! and made it within 20 minutes of being able to save him....its not right i know, I even looked at the vet and said doctor I do not mean to be rude if it seems that way but, if this was me in the hospital you wouldn't offer a cheaper route of putting me down because I didn't have 1000 for surgery, but might have 250 to be put down. Just because pets cant get married and work to make the government happy should mean they are treated diffrently?....its not right...if it wasnt for animals we wouldnt know alot of what we know today. I will be writing a paper on this.....and doing something about it...Im a smart chick for a reason i am going to put it to good use. lol
offshoredrilling's Avatar
alright, glad to know is ok
And I'll back you up! Pets can feel just as much as what we can, they just can't say anything or take care of their problems on their own. The two of us together could put a kick ass article in the paper!!
  • m2244
  • 07-27-2010, 12:47 AM