What a way to go (out)

FootLong's Avatar
When the chinese get a “stiff” one...

SpursFan's Avatar

What a way to go.

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-24-2018, 01:31 AM
Well, now we know what to do for FL's sendoff.
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
So who would you like to have at your send off,FL?
FootLong's Avatar
Does SA even have any Asian strippers?
Unstoppable's Avatar
No items of clothing are removed. The dancers simply dance on top of vehicles with dancing poles. No nudity whatsoever.
I'm being cremated, and right before I die, I'm going to swallow as many pop corn kernels as I can. My cremation will be EPIC!
Precious_b's Avatar
With your reputatation FL, they will come.

We just need you to give us a list of names to RSVP for that limited area on the hearest (sp) hood.