Retard Texas Rants

dearhunter's Avatar
I want to thanck all of you retarded Texans who perform your little dog n pony show on here (most of you lacking the ability to articulate anything without quoting someone else) pleases me to no end knowing that the vote you cast for Obama will be a vote in the minority for Texas......the Texas electoral college delegates will go to whichever stupid republican gets on the ticket.....and there isn't shit you can do about it......heh
Remember dearhunter, except for that liberal pile of shit city called Austin, and inner city Houston, Texas is the Red of the Red States.

We do have the honor of having the stupidest US Repersentative, though, in one Sheila Jackson Lee. She is that stupid bitch that showed up at Michael Jacksons Funeral wearing a white dress, and wanting a National Day Of Mourning declared. Hell, I think even Nancy Pelosi was embarrased at that stunt.

She is also the one that, when seeing the Rover on Mars, asked the head of NASA if they could send it over to where that American Flag was planted. Poor guy was really put on the spot trying to explain to a card carrying idiot that men have never been to Mars.

The real crime is she holds the seat once held by Barbara Jordon, one of the greatest Black Leaders this Country has ever had. Barbara Jordans main political message for the people in her district was individule responsibility, earning your way, and familly values.

Ole Sheila has made a mockery of that.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Gotyour6's Avatar
Come to NY and talk to me about retarded fuck stains that think they are going to help.

If they help any more I am going to be broke.
joe bloe's Avatar
Remember dearhunter, except for that liberal pile of shit city called Austin, and inner city Houston, Texas is the Red of the Red States.

We do have the honor of having the stupidest US Repersentative, though, in one Sheila Jackson Lee. She is that stupid bitch that showed up at Michael Jacksons Funeral wearing a white dress, and wanting a National Day Of Mourning declared. Hell, I think even Nancy Pelosi was embarrased at that stunt.

She is also the one that, when seeing the Rover on Mars, asked the head of NASA if they could send it over to where that American Flag was planted. Poor guy was really put on the spot trying to explain to a card carrying idiot that men have never been to Mars.

The real crime is she holds the seat once held by Barbara Jordon, one of the greatest Black Leaders this Country has ever had. Barbara Jordans main political message for the people in her district was individule responsibility, earning your way, and familly values.

Ole Sheila has made a mockery of that. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I'm not sure Sheila Jackson Lee is the stupidest person in Congress. There's no doubt that she is profoundly stupid, but several of her fellow members of the Congressional Black Caucus have shown themselves to be breath takingly stupid in recent years.

Hank Johnson (D) of Georgia expressed his concern that Guam might capsize because of too many people.

Frederica Wilson (D) of Florida distinguishes herself mostly because of her bizarre taste in clothing. I realize that good taste in fashion may not corelate directly with IQ but at some point you have to concede there's an issue.

Maxine Waters (D) of California expressed a threat to socialize the oil business and then tried to walk it back. It's hysterical.
joe bloe's Avatar

Originally Posted by texasjohn1965
A box of rocks doesn't get to be on a Congressional Committee overseeing Homeland Security. Here's a few other committee asignments that we don't entrust to a box of rocks.

Committee assignments for Ms. Lee:
Retarded Texans like the Bush's got the country broke by starting holy wars, starting bank bail outs and starting the Auto bail outs. Now the banks screw the people that bailed them out.
dearhunter's Avatar
BW, just be sure and vote for your choice for president.......make a difference......heh
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I thought someone made the point that George W. Bush was born in Maine so is not a natural Texan. Now who feels dumb like a box of rocks?

I want to nominate Corrine Brown as a bar of soap. Her first week in office she was asked about the ethnic cleansing in Freedonia. She did her duty to the party by attacking George H. W. Bush and his inaction. Later she found out that Freedonia was a country in Groucho Marx movie. She doubled down by holding a press conference where she repeatedly misprounced the name of Bosnia. Think BOSE-A-NIA. When she was corrected by a member of the media, she sniffed and said "I guess you could pronounce it that way." An absolute corrupt idiot.
I want to thanck all of you retarded Texans who perform your little dog n pony show on here.. Originally Posted by dearhunter
But yours is by far the best Dog and Pony show yet! Thanck you Dearhunter for all the great silly entertainment, from a cat no less.. who'd of thunck?
dearhunter's Avatar
Just don't pet me the wrong way.....ijs.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-05-2012, 12:32 PM
I want to thanck all of you retarded Texans who perform your little dog n pony show on here (most of you lacking the ability to articulate anything without quoting someone else) pleases me to no end knowing that the vote you cast for Obama will be a vote in the minority for Texas......the Texas electoral college delegates will go to whichever stupid republican gets on the ticket.....and there isn't shit you can do about it......heh Originally Posted by dearhunter

you call people retards huh? ...

"thancks" ... really?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-05-2012, 12:48 PM
I thought someone made the point that George W. Bush was born in Maine so is not a natural Texan. Now who feels dumb like a box of rocks?

I want to nominate Corrine Brown as a bar of soap. Her first week in office she was asked about the ethnic cleansing in Freedonia. She did her duty to the party by attacking George H. W. Bush and his inaction. Later she found out that Freedonia was a country in Groucho Marx movie. She doubled down by holding a press conference where she repeatedly misprounced the name of Bosnia. Think BOSE-A-NIA. When she was corrected by a member of the media, she sniffed and said "I guess you could pronounce it that way." An absolute corrupt idiot. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

New Haven Conn .. but Maine is close enough for a rock.
MC's Avatar
  • MC
  • 04-05-2012, 12:58 PM
Her first week in office she was asked about the ethnic cleansing in Freedonia. She did her duty to the party by attacking George H. W. Bush and his inaction. Later she found out that Freedonia was a country in Groucho Marx movie. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Ok, that is pretty damn funny.

Great movie BTW.
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  • CJ7
  • 04-05-2012, 01:15 PM
since we're on the subject ..

Fredonia, Texas. Mason County.