Coke and Pepsi withdraw from ALEC

Coke withdraws from group that backs gun laws

Coke and Pepsi abandon conservative group that backs gun law policies

I find it interesting that Coke and Pepsi say they were not aware of what ALEC was doing with regard to pushing policies and gun laws like "Stand your Ground".

"According to Color of Change, increasing the availability of information to investors and consumers empowers them by informing them of what corporations are doing with their money. An added benefit, however, is that robs organizations like ALEC of the secrecy they need to operate.
“Controversial and dangerous policies like voter suppression and Florida’s ‘Shoot First’ law are not supported by the majority of the public,” he said. The more these initiatives are exposed to public scrutiny, he believes, the less likely they are to succeed".
Now they are saying Kraft foods is pulling out.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I find it curious that liberals try to destroy people and companies that don't support them. Very Soviet. Remember the Susan G. Komen Foundation. They withdrew from Planned Parenthood when there was discovered a link between abortion and breast cancer. They were attacked on all sides; media, politicians, activists, and companies. They finally were intimidated into coming back like an abused spouse. They they fired the CEO of Komen and some of her supporters. All she wanted to do was defeat breast cancer.
Well, in this country you have the right not to buy a product. This is the American way...Susan Komen kinda screwed themselves when they made that stupid move and decided to become political. People have a right to donate to whom ever they choose..that is the American way also.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
dearhunter's Avatar
Drinck more Dr.Pepper
I B Hankering's Avatar
Drinck more Dr.Pepper Originally Posted by dearhunter
Why not! Even VP Biden gave it a subliminal endorsement.
I find it curious that liberals try to destroy people and companies that don't support them. Very Soviet. Remember the Susan G. Komen Foundation. They withdrew from Planned Parenthood when there was discovered a link between abortion and breast cancer. They were attacked on all sides; media, politicians, activists, and companies. They finally were intimidated into coming back like an abused spouse. They they fired the CEO of Komen and some of her supporters. All she wanted to do was defeat breast cancer. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

If all she wanted to fight breast cancer, she should have stayed out of the politics of abortion. Planned Parenthood is a full service, female reproductive health care facility.

I boycott Coke, Pepsi or any other product that has high fructose corn syrup in it. I would boycott the government if I could for not outlawing it and for the farming subsidies so companies like Coke and Pepsi can make even more money and our cars can be eaten from the inside by ethanol. How’s that for liberal.
If all she wanted to fight breast cancer, she should have stayed out of the politics of abortion. Planned Parenthood is a full service, female reproductive health care facility.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

I wish I had the will power to take a stand and say I will never buy another Coke or Pepsi, but hell, I like em too much.

LovingKayla's Avatar
They must be getting paid MORE from the other side than they would have made working the event or company.

Those bastards. I hate Dr. Pepper too. Damnit. OH well I switched to peace tea (which I'm sure is a liberal agenda just waiting to show itself, but the product is great.)
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Politics??? An organization dedicated to eradicating breast cancer finds that a procedure may have a link to breast cancer so Komen withdraws from an organization that provides that procedure. I fail to see where the politics was to this point. It was Planned Parenthood that brought politics in.

To paraphrase someone else; doesn't Komen have the right (first amendment) to associate with whomever they want or to dissolve that association? You want to attack the first amendment?
I wish I had the will power to take a stand and say I will never buy another Coke or Pepsi, but hell, I like em too much.

Sorry. Originally Posted by Jackie S
They must be getting paid MORE from the other side than they would have made working the event or company.

Those bastards. I hate Dr. Pepper too. Damnit. OH well I switched to peace tea (which I'm sure is a liberal agenda just waiting to show itself, but the product is great.) Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Oh just crap....I cant catch a coke, pepsi, or dr pepper

Ok...Can we find out if there is any dirt on Snapple....??? Water aint going to cut it....
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
My main drink is Tea.
Politics??? An organization dedicated to eradicating breast cancer finds that a procedure may have a link to breast cancer so Komen withdraws from an organization that provides that procedure. I fail to see where the politics was to this point. It was Planned Parenthood that brought politics in.

To paraphrase someone else; doesn't Komen have the right (first amendment) to associate with whomever they want or to dissolve that association? You want to attack the first amendment? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I fail to see how people deciding to boycott a company or charity based on their very public decisions is Soviet or infringes on the first amendment. Just like how people called for boycotts of the sponsors of that American Muslim reality show or Rush's "slut" rant.

If the common citizen cannot make their voice heard via boycott, protest, letter writing campaign, etc., that sounds more Soviet to me.

Komen has every right to distribute their charitable funds how they see fit and citizens have every right to protest or support the decision.