How do or would YOU approach such a situation....?

KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
For hobbyists AND providers:

Say either a Hobbyist or a Provider is visiting with you and suddenly the conversation goes into another direction. What if that person started to talk in depth in a racist manner?

What would you do or say?

Just in general during your casual conversation portion of the visit. Say you are both white and the person is talking really badly about another race or say you are both black and talking badly about another race.....what would you do?

I am not just talking about racist humor that some get on about and are fine with- we all (all ethnicities) have jokes about all races, but I am talking about extremely racist remarks and hateful slurring of people of different races other than theirs or the person they are visiting at the time. Has this ever happened to you? How do you deal with it or do you at all?

Thanks in advance for all the feedback.

Kelli --

First, realize you're not going to change the other person.

That said, my response depends on the situation. From time to time I strike up conversations with strangers whose bigotry is evident in a fleeting remark. Those I usually let slide; I don't make an issue of the fleeting remark.

However, if someone starts talking at length, airing racist views, I'd cut them off with something like, "I don't share your opinion." You're not attacking them, but you're letting them know where you stand. Unless they're dense, they'll take the not-so-subtle hint.

Now, if you're talking about a provider-client situation, I'm not sure what I'd do. Someone who's already that ugly could do something so vindictive as to put your security and livelihood in jeopardy.
Mature Companion's Avatar
As Gary stated. You can't change the other person.

IF I were to ever encounter such a disrespectful racist person in my presence while (bcd).
I would without hesitation show his ass to the door. If he chooses to argue about it. I'll immediately put on my 6" heels.
I don't tolerate racist people. No excuses. No exceptions.
sanantonioman37's Avatar
Try to change the subject, if that fails. Just grab his crotch. If that doesn't shut him up, then nothing will.
I would take into consideration that no matter what you say to them they will remain ignorant. Ignorance is a learned quality and hard to break. If it made me uncomfortable enough I am the type of person to say something. But if i feel he may get disrespectful I would finish session and tell him I am no longer going to be able to see you. I would explain myself and chances are he wont care because ignorance is bliss!