Al Gore Can Kiss My Shivering White @$$!

ICU 812's Avatar
And thats all I have to say about that.
Ripmany's Avatar
Global warming is fake
  • oeb11
  • 02-15-2021, 10:22 AM
Al gore lives in a huge Kentucky mansion, and uses private jets to travel. he is just another DPST/ccp hypocrite - planing to rule the plebes and exact his dictums on the people - while holding himself above his own rules

See - Gov gruesome, Cuomoo, Dumblasio, and any other DPST nomenklatura.

“A tale of two houses,” compares Al Gore’s mansion in Nashville to George W. Bush’s ranch in Texas. The email shows two houses. The first, it says, is Gore’s 20-room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) that consumes more energy in a month than the average American household does in a year. It says the average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2,400 per month. The Bush house, the email says, incorporates every “green” feature current home construction can provide and uses a system that consumes 25 percent of the electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling unit. Is all this true?Yes, the basic premise is true, according to research by various fact-finders, The Associated Press and The Chicago Tribune.
The viral email started appearing in 2007 after Gore’s film on the climate change issue, “An Inconvenient Truth,” won the Oscar for best documentary, reports. In the film, Gore urges Americans to conserve energy.
The email quotes a report from the Tennessee Center for Policy Research, which said it used figures from the Nashville Electric service. The report says that Gore’s house used 221,000 kwh of electricity in 2006, more than 20 times the national average of 10,656 kwh. The report says the natural gas usage of Gore’s home is high as well, and that the Gores spent more than $30,000 in combined electricity and natural gas bills in 2006.
The AP, however, reviewed the power bills and found that the Gore house used more than 12 times, not 20 times, the average for a typical house in that area (191,000 kwh versus 15,600 kwh). The AP put the average monthly electric bill at $1,359 a month. looked into the figures; it could find nothing to back up the larger monthly figure and said the AP figure was “just about right” for 2006.

Al Gore's attitude toward the people - 'I invented teh internet" , I am special - therefore-

'You can kiss my aristocratic white ASS"!!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 02-15-2021, 01:13 PM
DF - Thank you , good Sir!
winn dixie's Avatar
global warming sure is cold


Hope the people in Clarksville are warm.

'bahahahahhahahhahahahhahahhah ahhahahhahhahhaha
Ripmany's Avatar
Ever had sex with a cold ass chick who been out side all day. It like a ice pack on balls but very fun.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Ever had sex with a cold ass chick who been out side all day. It like a ice pack on balls but very fun. Originally Posted by Ripmany
we call them popchicles.
  • oeb11
  • 02-16-2021, 01:23 PM
Or, 'frigid'!
"Al Gore Can Kiss My Shivering White @$$!"

Not sure why you included the adjective "White".

That's all I can say about that.
  • Tiny
  • 02-16-2021, 04:45 PM
Al gore lives in a huge Kentucky mansion, and uses private jets to travel. he is just another DPST/ccp hypocrite - planing to rule the plebes and exact his dictums on the people - while holding himself above his own rules

See - Gov gruesome, Cuomoo, Dumblasio, and any other DPST nomenklatura.

“A tale of two houses,” compares Al Gore’s mansion in Nashville to George W. Bush’s ranch in Texas. The email shows two houses. The first, it says, is Gore’s 20-room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) that consumes more energy in a month than the average American household does in a year. It says the average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2,400 per month. The Bush house, the email says, incorporates every “green” feature current home construction can provide and uses a system that consumes 25 percent of the electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling unit. Is all this true?Yes, the basic premise is true, according to research by various fact-finders, The Associated Press and The Chicago Tribune.
The viral email started appearing in 2007 after Gore’s film on the climate change issue, “An Inconvenient Truth,” won the Oscar for best documentary, reports. In the film, Gore urges Americans to conserve energy.
The email quotes a report from the Tennessee Center for Policy Research, which said it used figures from the Nashville Electric service. The report says that Gore’s house used 221,000 kwh of electricity in 2006, more than 20 times the national average of 10,656 kwh. The report says the natural gas usage of Gore’s home is high as well, and that the Gores spent more than $30,000 in combined electricity and natural gas bills in 2006.
The AP, however, reviewed the power bills and found that the Gore house used more than 12 times, not 20 times, the average for a typical house in that area (191,000 kwh versus 15,600 kwh). The AP put the average monthly electric bill at $1,359 a month. looked into the figures; it could find nothing to back up the larger monthly figure and said the AP figure was “just about right” for 2006.

Al Gore's attitude toward the people - 'I invented teh internet" , I am special - therefore-

'You can kiss my aristocratic white ASS"!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
Al Gore is a hypocrite.
  • oeb11
  • 02-16-2021, 04:54 PM
"Al Gore Can Kiss My Shivering White @$$!"

Not sure why you included the adjective "White".

That's all I can say about that. Originally Posted by reddog1951

So - 'r' - One of the banned words from teh DPST/ccp lexicon - along with 'Right" .
what would you suggest in its' place ???

Perhaps 'Green' - the color of money that Gore and his confiscatory hyperspending nomenklatura plan to take from the working people. And do so love to spend other people's money on themselves.