Thoughts about Mitch

McConnell was one of the staunchest Trump supporters prior to the Capital insurrection. Then "turned" against. Voted not guilty in impeachment on constitutionality grounds, but gave a fire speech holding Trump accountable on moral grounds.

Kentucky is now considering legislation to require the governor to appoint a senator of the same political party to replace a senator that doesn't fulfill their term.

Maybe Mitch knows something about his future that we don't? Maybe he's trying to "do the right thing regarding his legacy, while still staying "true" to his roots?
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Kentucky is now considering legislation to require the governor to appoint a senator of the same political party to replace a senator that doesn't fulfill their term. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Personally, I think Kentuckians should be able to hold a special election, to choose a new senator (or congressman), if someone doesn't fulfill their term.

I like democracy!
  • Tiny
  • 02-16-2021, 04:24 PM
If he'd been voting his conscience he would have voted to impeach. He realizes though that he's walking a tight rope. If the Republican Party fractures into pro Trump and anti Trump wings, the party is a goner and Democrats will continue to control the presidency, Senate and House. Speaking out about his true thoughts about Trump while voting against impeachment is part of his strategy to keep the party together. Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. is a wise man.
Not questioning his wisdom, but do wonder about longevity.
adav8s28's Avatar
Glad the two democrats won in Georgia to make the senate 50-50 and force McConnell out of the top spot. Yes!!!!!
That mistake will get fixed in 2022 .....
  • oeb11
  • 02-17-2021, 06:45 AM
Warnock must run again in 2022 - and his record as a marxist terrorist will be for all to see
DPST's best have their Voter Fraud bureau in full swing - or face Losing!