Governmental mismanagement in Texas

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Here in Texas apparently we have something called the Electric Reliability Council that has something to do with regulating all the independent power plants and how power is produced, distributed and sold state wide. I had not heard about this layer of beuocracy be for, but there it is.

Every one seems to have been caught with their pants down even though there was plenty of notice of this cold snap. All power generating modalities were cought short, Wind, Solar, Coal and gas plants were all off line for maintainance or out due to the inclement weather.

And now, before its even all over, the regulatory agency ERCA has announced that the billing rate for electricityt will go up! Yes, we will have to pay more for bad service!
Well yeah, Shitty Public Service and other energy companies in Texas will have to raise your rates in your utility bills to cover all their lost revenue when they had to shut your power off .....
  • oeb11
  • 02-18-2021, 07:27 AM
Gov Abbott - got the message than thousands / millions of people are upset by the power outages - and damage those outages caused.

Abbott has called for an investigation - and it will be interestinig to see how it sorts out.