Wrong number

Altbier's Avatar
Several years ago and before I really knew what happened in local massage parlors/spas, I had a phone number that was apparently very close to that of a MP. I would occasionally receive calls that obviously were not intended for my household. Not knowing how to respond, I would just hang up. Now that I look back on it, I realize that I missed some great opportunities to screw with some folks minds. Let me know how you think I should have responded to these wrong numbers.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Never, ever, ever, let an opportunity to mess with someone pass you by.
Carpe the phuck out of those opportunities.

For example, when you discovered that person was inquiring about LT services, you should have gotten 'mamasan' on the line...

The possibilities are endless...

Now post your number so we can show you what we're talking about.




flinde's Avatar
"Never, ever, ever, let an opportunity to mess with someone pass you by.
Carpe the phuck out of those opportunities."

Very wise advice.