This 60-minute interview with Obama took place just days after the Benghazi Obama avoid calling it a terrorist attack.....

Yet in the 2nd debate; Obama wanted everyone to believe he did call it Terrorism in the Rose Garden speech....

Munchmasterman's Avatar
This 60-minute interview with Obama took place just days after the Benghazi Obama avoid calling it a terrorist attack.....

Yet in the 2nd debate; Obama wanted everyone to believe he did call it Terrorism in the Rose Garden speech....

Liar-Liar. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Throw anything, everything. Hope to God something sticks.

Oh wait, God already weighted in on foxes October surprise.
A little rain to wash away the whirlys, the jds the blowing joes.
Just a little something to flush out the gutters.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How much Kool Aid have you had to drink Munchie? CBS admits now that Obama did not call Benghazi a terrorist attack. They went out of their way to ask the question and he refused to call it what it was. Of course that means he lied during the debate and by going to Candy with the demand, "check the transcript" he knew that was coming and she may have been in on it. The whole Barack Obama narrative is falling apart.

Pretty pathetic that you blame the Libyan terrorist attack on Fox News instead of the terrorists. I bet you blame Bush for the cover up instead of Obama.
markroxny's Avatar

All that footage shows is a man being VERY careful not to "jump the gun" until he has more facts.

Move along, nothing to see here.
So he "jumped the gun" in the Rose Garden speech when he called Benghazi terrorism, but then decided NOT to on 60 minutes;

keeping twisting Obamazombies, it is fun to watch you protect this loser at all costs.
markroxny's Avatar
Actually it's a lot more fun to watch you Romneybots try to come at this Benghazi thing 200 different ways to no effect out of sheer desparation.

Good luck Whirlyturd!
Go ahead; dodge the obvious....either Obama said Benghazi was a terrorist attack in the Rose Garden speech or he didn't....which is it......?
joe bloe's Avatar
So he "jumped the gun" in the Rose Garden speech when he called Benghazi terrorism, but then decided NOT to on 60 minutes;

keeping twisting Obamazombies, it is fun to watch you protect this loser at all costs. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Obama is side steppin'.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-05-2012, 10:46 AM
How much Kool Aid have you had to drink Munchie? CBS admits now that Obama did not call Benghazi a terrorist attack. They went out of their way to ask the question and he refused to call it what it was. Of course that means he lied during the debate and by going to Candy with the demand, "check the transcript" he knew that was coming and she may have been in on it. The whole Barack Obama narrative is falling apart.

Pretty pathetic that you blame the Libyan terrorist attack on Fox News instead of the terrorists. I bet you blame Bush for the cover up instead of Obama. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

terrorist attack, no

act of terror, yep

ok teach, explain the difference between the two

you have the floor or is it the door?

never mind, I'll educate you

act of terrorism - the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear

terrorist attack - a surprise attack involving the deliberate use of violence against civilians in the hope of attaining political or religious aims

oooopsie, theyre the same thing.

and that means you and your ilk are dumbasses trying t split hairs. nothing more
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
One is a surprise, the other calculated. Yet they are the same thing. CBJ7, please, you don't even comprehend your own posts.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-05-2012, 11:32 AM
One is a surprise, the other calculated. Yet they are the same thing. CBJ7, please, you don't even comprehend your own posts. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

act of terror ... calculated... it was a calculated attack, Obie called it a calculated attack and all of you idiots say he lied ..

Why the reversal in the 60-minute interview ?

Why did he send Rice out on the big lie circuit ?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-05-2012, 11:46 AM
Why the reversal in the 60-minute interview ?

Why did he send Rice out on the big lie circuit ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
to keep the idiot rightwingers busy guessing about pointless bullshit ?
One is a surprise, the other calculated. Yet they are the same thing. CBJ7, please, you don't even comprehend your own posts. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
LMAO! COF = Unaliar!

Only an IDIOT like you would argue that an act of terror is different from a terrorist act. You must have trained at FAUX "News"!
. I would say that Barleybrains trained there but he must have dropped out because at least FAUX gets the spelling right on their lies.

YEP! You are both an IDIOT and the UNALIAR, COF!
This 60-minute interview with Obama took place just days after the Benghazi Obama avoid calling it a terrorist attack.....

Yet in the 2nd debate; Obama wanted everyone to believe he did call it Terrorism in the Rose Garden speech....

Liar-Liar. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Go ahead; dodge the obvious....either Obama said Benghazi was a terrorist attack in the Rose Garden speech or he didn't....which is it......? Originally Posted by Whirlaway

HE DID CALL IT AN ACT OF TERROR! That nullifies your first quote of "Liar-Liar", Whirly. YOU are the LIAR!