Is everyone

Staying home with the big scare happening? I’m sick of being home really.
greyghost48's Avatar
It appears to be so. I think I just saw that MS was up to 34 reported cases with 6 new ones in south MS. I don’t like staying home this much either but being older puts me at a higher risk that I am not will to expose myself to. Maybe some of the younger guys are still exploring.
I guess that is what is going on. Its difficult to visit anyone and not get within six feet of them....especially for what is a contact sport. The Captain sails on. Back on the Gulf Coast. Been on the open sea for a while.
The.Angel.Luv's Avatar
I'm so over this virus bs
Guitar's Avatar
Me 2, Angel. I'm not doing anything different. I didn't go buy no toilet paper neither.
greyghost48's Avatar
A lady went to Wal Mart to buy toilet paper; they were out. She bought Downey dryer sheets instead. Later she remarked to friends that she hasn’t smelled better in awhile but she hasn’t had this few wrinkles in 20 years.
kiki2012's Avatar
Media is all out overhyping this,they see on news people buying stuff like to prepare for a hurricane! And greediness ,people cant get what they need!! Wal-Mart least going have the first hour open only for people 60+ that may help some. Fighting over toilet paper sheesh:mf_sword fight:
The only thing I am willing to fight over to hord all to myself is KiKi's boobs
Well I’m kind of happy everyone is over reacting to this mess. I hear that we are supposedly getting a “relief check” but also heard not everyone is getting them. So I’m wondering what the determining factor will be?? Hmm 🤔 and also wanna day it’s gunna be pandemonium if everyone doesn’t get them and only certain people do 🤦🏻♀️🙄🤣 I could use the “free” money. But also worried about the “fine lined words” at the bottom of the check 🙄🤦🏻♀️ But yea this does suck can’t even go to the store for every day stuff. 😩 y’all just stay away from anyone who may even look sick 🤣 and my kids are all I’m willing to fight over lmao I would be the person that videos and posts to YouTube lmao.
Well: The Capt. sailed into BR via the main route. Stopping at the provisionser that he usually sees to have a few grogs of rum and pet her tabby, I find that a move to other parts was made mandatory. Upon visiting other provisioners I found the cost of provisions to be lower than usual. I understand the supply/demand scale but after a little pondering I see the picture. The supply is there. The demand has been throttled by the uncertainty of COVID 19. It causes the Capn. to feel for those provisioners having to lower prices to survive. Capn. will do his part by tipping well for good service. Its what I can do. Looking for a new provisioner in BR and on MS gulf coast. I take pms.
This is all so crazy. I’m going to loose my mind being stuck inside.
I will not lose my mind. A friend called me. She is a single mother that has not the means to be a upper deck supplier. I did respond by stocking her larder with bread, milk and needed items to last a while. I then sat at helm to contemplate her situation. How many are in the same shape as she? Part timers, occasional suppliers that do not have the means to be upper echelon suppliers? Realizing that there are fact more in this boat than full timers. How will they make it?
Well I’m kind of happy everyone is over reacting to this mess. I hear that we are supposedly getting a “relief check” but also heard not everyone is getting them. So I’m wondering what the determining factor will be?? Hmm 🤔 and also wanna day it’s gunna be pandemonium if everyone doesn’t get them and only certain people do 🤦🏻♀️🙄🤣 I could use the “free” money. But also worried about the “fine lined words” at the bottom of the check 🙄🤦🏻♀️ But yea this does suck can’t even go to the store for every day stuff. 😩 y’all just stay away from anyone who may even look sick 🤣 and my kids are all I’m willing to fight over lmao I would be the person that videos and posts to YouTube lmao. Originally Posted by Rooby Reigh
I would like to see stimulus money only go to those who pay taxes. I fail to see how those who dont pay into the system should receive a check. The people who live off the system without contributing will still continue to live off the system its not like they will lose their welfare housing vouchers ebt cards or other various sources of free income they are giving. I just dont see how they are losing anything income wise since they will not be taking a hit from losing their job or having their hours cut or whatever those who earn an income are going through. If you make no money from working and your not losing any of your free programs then how is it you should be entitled to a stimulus check? Nothing has changed for you

I do personally know a people who were working and lost their jobs due to this. Those people went from having an income to not having one. Those people should receive financial help immediately. It should last until the quarantine is over and the job market rebounds. Then there are people like myself who are still working but whos income will take a hit due to this. We should receive money as well but its not nearly as important that it happens quickly like it should for those who lost their jobs.

Of course there needs to be something in place to help the people who fall between cracks but I am not smart enough to even think about how that should happen.

If you really want to know the truth the only stimulus package I want is from from kiki's boobs
Guitar's Avatar
Amen Basscat, preach on brotha! Jason Basscat for President!
Agreed BC but.....the supplier I spoke of had a job till the shutdown. Her side job (providing) was occasional and done when needs arose. She is a single mother trying to make ends meet. She is not one to sit on her rear, collect checks and work the system. She pays taxes at her job. These are the people I speak of. Not everyone falls into a "have" or "have not" bracket. We do have "have nots" with work ethics and moral fiber. I don't want or need a check from our Treasury.....give mine to someone that has a child to feed and has been damaged by the current situation