False review

As many know I am away for the holidays & decided to check my eccie today . I have no problem at all with receiving a no review , if I deserve . Everybody likes different things and I may not be one of those things , cool . My most recent review didn't provide any of my contact info , way off on the age , said I had a 150 hour session donation , which I've NEVER went below 2 EVER for an hour & decided to post a review almost three months after seeing me ? Okay Cool . Having almost 5 pages of yes's I could honestly care less but I can assure anybody I have not seen this gentleman & now never will . Whatever helps him sleep better at night . Anyway happy holidays to you all . See u when I get back . ��
Dr Grey's Avatar
Thank you for the insight. Always two sides to the coin. Looking forward to your return.
This is a legitimate review. As for your age, no one knows it so that's not debunked unless you show us your ID. I saw you before you left and you know that! Here you are in the snatch thread on NOV 6th http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?...post1058833000 If you count it is far from a 3month review and you haven't been gone but a maybe a month and a half from the last time you posted. I saw you nov 1. I know you have been in Florida posting on backpage $100 ads so you may have went further down from $150. Also I said the dental hygiene was a issue in the description. I didn't see it and didn't care before either. When I did see it I confirmed it. Ask her to post a picture of her smile if you think it's a false review. The bottom half of her was good when I saw her the first time but the mouth is bad this time. It's a false review when the follow up review is a NO recommendation but the 5 pages of yes reviews are all true? I don't think so. I'm just saying. It's a late review but that doesn't make it false. Someone do some recon when she returns and confirm my findings. Or better yet post a picture of your smile to prove me wrong, if not please don't have issues with the truth telling of the users of the community. We have been paying you for a long time. Put the money to use upon returning to S.A.
Okay makes sense now . Some handlers never know how to let go . Have a blessed new year . 😘
That word brought out the white knights the first time but that story is old now. Nobody put me up to this. You earned this review. Now own it. I'm not here to bash you sweetie. Same to you hun.
Big One's Avatar
Have a great New Year's bunny940! Looking forward to your return!
DocHolyday's Avatar
She guested her account and skipped town??
Joe Buck's Avatar
I got a bit curious so I went back through all 10 of your reviews, makes for some interesting reading when you start looking at the who and how many are still active.
This one was a very interesting read, http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1577683
the activities were what caught my eye.

IMHO I think the lady may be speaking the truth, too bad she didn't stick around. Hope she decides to make a return.
No it's funny how You question the reviewer but not the reviewed? Please do your homework. I'm done. I know she won't see me again after this but I like newbies anyway that are not routine.
mayorcastro's Avatar
I hope no one loaned money to her before she left otherwise is just a matter of time until another butthurt guy posts in the coed about how he thought they were friends
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
I got a bit curious so I went back through all 10 of your reviews, makes for some interesting reading when you start looking at the who and how many are still active.
This one was a very interesting read, http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1577683
the activities were what caught my eye.

IMHO I think the lady may be speaking the truth, too bad she didn't stick around. Hope she decides to make a return. Originally Posted by Joe Buck

So... A BARE BACKING FUCKTARD decides to bash a beautiful young provider almost 6 weeks after his so called horrendous appointment?!? Hmmm... I am wondering if she refused to INDULGE you in your unsafe sexual practices and NOW you are retaliating?

Who knows... Regardless, this is a VERY GOOD NOTICE for those of us who avoid gentlemen who play in this manner...

Like many others... I do hope the beautiful young lady decides to come back to our garden of lust...

Your curious slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
No it's funny how You question the reviewer but not the reviewed? Please do your homework. I'm done. I know she won't see me again after this but I like newbies anyway that are not routine. Originally Posted by TushKing
Obviously... You haven't been paying ATTENTION...

But EVERYONE who posts on eccie is subject to questioning... Why is that an issue? You weren't DELIBERATELY trying to ruin this beautiful young ladies reputation now were you? You were just SHARING your HONEST experience.. Right? Lol

Yeah... I'm pretty sure that not only will SHE not see you but that you may be added to A LOT of the established ladies DNS LIST... And yeah... Most bare backers pray on NEWBIES so, I'm not too surprised that you would rather play with them... Much harder to bully an established provider into barebacking now isn't it?

Your amused slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
This is a legitimate review. As for your age, no one knows it so that's not debunked unless you show us your ID. I saw you before you left and you know that! Here you are in the snatch thread on NOV 6th http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?...post1058833000 If you count it is far from a 3month review and you haven't been gone but a maybe a month and a half from the last time you posted. I saw you nov 1. I know you have been in Florida posting on backpage $100 ads so you may have went further down from $150. Also I said the dental hygiene was a issue in the description. I didn't see it and didn't care before either. When I did see it I confirmed it. Ask her to post a picture of her smile if you think it's a false review. The bottom half of her was good when I saw her the first time but the mouth is bad this time. It's a false review when the follow up review is a NO recommendation but the 5 pages of yes reviews are all true? I don't think so. I'm just saying. It's a late review but that doesn't make it false. Someone do some recon when she returns and confirm my findings. Or better yet post a picture of your smile to prove me wrong, if not please don't have issues with the truth telling of the users of the community. We have been paying you for a long time. Put the money to use upon returning to S.A. Originally Posted by TushKing
Soooo.. you are so DISGUSTED with this young lady that you are STALKING her ads On backpage in other STATES?!? Wow... The CREEPINES FACTOR just keeps getting WORSE with every post!! Smdh..

Your stalker hating slave,

ttmax's Avatar
  • ttmax
  • 12-30-2016, 04:17 PM
Well! No! Hold on a minute!, there is two sides to every story, look at the details of "he said", "she said", and I would NOT call it stalking when you can gather all the information via your friendly inrternet via google (this lad did his homework and followed the links) This young lady has a right to rebuttal. I consider stalking when it's done physically following someone! ( besides, it's his review, and reviews different 180 degrees from monger to monger!). This is one of the reasons providers are not allowed to post in the reviews section, because there may be a difference of opinions. Take and accept the review for what it's worth!
Dr Grey's Avatar
Ttmax...there are such things as cyber stalking. And no, we shouldn't have to spell it out to you or bring that up. Just read the guidelines as cyber stalking is not permitted on these boards.

It may or may not be the case here, but cyber stalking is a real thing.

I'm not sure why this thread is still going.

The guy said he didn't care for the ladies teeth, many guys disagree apparently.

The lady says it's a false review. And claims she never saw him. For her sake and safety hope she did not see him.

Now we find the lady has guested her account, can't defend herself, and now we find the guy is not as credible due to previous reviews he has left, and quite frankly barebacking and cream pies in the hobby is disturbing while unsafe. The guy insists he is just sharing info, and sure, why not. But if it's for some agenda, not cool. Sure, if we are sharing info, fine. But if you are to critique someone, be expected to be critiqued back for credibility.

I'd rather see her as a provider with any imperfections she comes with (in bunny's case, she's a beautiful woman and has a great personality from what I've found) as opposed to a provider considering seeing you and knowing where your dick goes unprotected and having to worry about you seeing women I would see.

I think we are done here. Am I right?

**looks for mod powers to close thread**