The results of ivermectin ~should be~ undeniable, yet the US government is all in for suppressing them. Social media, Wikipedia, YouTube, all quash anything associated with it. Highly respected doctors are demonized and their reputations destroyed for stating simple facts and statistics. It’s crazy.
I know what many will say: It’s all about the money and big pharma, but really? REALLY? Is there nobody out there who is honest, and moreover cares about the people? Is the entirety of Washington, tech elites and the media so stone cold that they’d sit idly by and watch thousands die, and millions of jobs and businesses evaporate for another beach house?
If money is really the issue, this isn’t a country I want to live in. Just look at the numbers in India. Remember the news stories of tens of thousands dying in the streets. They started treating and using ivermectin as a treatment and preventative and quashed it in two weeks. Yet here we are, fighting tooth and nail against it. Seriously, wtf?