If you a a politician having a couple of pops in a restaurant....

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....expect that somebody from the other party might be dining in the same restaurant and as a 'concerned citizen' might call the po po...


Gwinnett County Commission chairman Charles Bannister was arrested Monday night and charged with driving drunk, county authorities said.
Gwinnett County Sheriff's Department Gwinnett County Commission Chairman Charles E. Bannister was arrested Monday night on DUI charges. Bannister was driving a Gwinnett County vehicle when he was arrested, Gwinnett County Sheriff's deputies said. Bannister was driving a county vehicle when
Gwinnett County Sheriff's deputies pulled him following an improper lane change, around 9 p.m., Sheriff's spokeswoman Stacey Bourbonnais told the AJC.

"The Sheriff's department received a phone call from a concerned citizen inside a Lilburn restaurant ... who believed they had seen Chairman Bannister drinking at the bar," Bourbonnais said.
The deputy conducted a field sobriety test, then arrested Bannister without incident, she said.
Bannister is being charged with driving under the influence of alcohol and improper lane change, among other charges.
He was released late Monday night on a signature bond, according to jail records.
It is unclear at this time what restaurant Bannister was leaving, or whether any other county employees were with him there.
Bannister was elected to the commission in 2004 after 18 years in the Georgia House of Representatives, and was re-elected in 2008.