Supreme Court Justices Spew 'Shocking' Misinformation During Arguments on Senile Biden's Vaccine Mandate

berryberry's Avatar
How fucking dumb is Sotomayor. She apparently got her legal expertise and degree from MSNBC University.

Did she do any preparation, or just decide to invent stats and bang on the table like a lunatic?

This is just absolutely astonishing. "100,000 children in serious condition," per Sotomayor. Where do these people obtain their misinformation? The current national pediatric COVID census per HHS is 3,342. Many/most incidental.
Here is a summary of just some of her lies:

During questioning, liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor made a number of false statements about the vaccine's ability to prevent transmission of the virus. While it may protect against death or hospitalization, the vaccine does not prevent transmission.

Sotomayor falsely claimed the Omnicron variant of the virus is just as deadly as the previous Delta version. This is false.

Further, the Justice claimed 100,000 children are in "serious condition" and "on ventilators" for the disease. This is not true and according to the data from the CDC, children are still at little risk for serious illness or death from the disease.

And not to be outdone by dumb Sotomayer, another lib had these whoppers

Justice Stephen Breyer argued hospitals are at capacity because of the disease, specifically due to unvaccinated individuals getting ill. This is not true.

Breyer also said there were 750 million new cases yesterday, that is not remotely true.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-07-2022, 12:13 PM
Libs lying?

No. Can't be.
... No. prolly NOT lying in the usual sense... Those two
prolly didn't even do their-own research... Somebody else
(maybe John Roberts ) surely told them what to say.

This is how totally LOST they are when they watch CNN
and MSNBC instead of FOX News.

They - like EVERYONE else - should look at ALL news sources
so you get to view BOTH sides of the narrative.
That-way you can surely form a better opinion as-to
what's true and what is not.

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
... No. prolly NOT lying in the usual sense... Those two
prolly didn't even do their-own research... Somebody else
(maybe John Roberts ) surely told them what to say.

This is how totally LOST they are when they watch CNN
and MSNBC instead of FOX News.

They - like EVERYONE else - should look at ALL news sources
so you get to view BOTH sides of the narrative.
That-way you can surely form a better opinion as-to
what's true and what is not.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Sotomayor and Kagen were lying. Pure and simple. So why are the judges?
berryberry's Avatar
Sotomayer and Breyer were either telling blatant lies or are uninformed and incompetent

These Justices either showed up unprepared, inventing COVID numbers to support whatever legal conclusion they’ve already reached or the are the dumbest justices that has been on the Court in decades.
bambino's Avatar
Sotomayer and Breyer were either telling blatant lies or are uninformed and incompetent

These Justices either showed up unprepared, inventing COVID numbers to support whatever legal conclusion they’ve already reached or the are the dumbest justices that has been on the Court in decades. Originally Posted by berryberry
Well, Obama was going to appoint Garland. He’s dumber than a rock.
berryberry's Avatar
Well, Obama was going to appoint Garland. He’s dumber than a rock. Originally Posted by bambino
Well that is true. Between Garland and Sotomayer you are looking at two really dumb libtards

Even the libtards say so:
berryberry's Avatar
This right here says it all

Wow — Senate Democrats dined with Justice Sotomayor LAST NIGHT, according to Politico. Why would they (and she) politicize the Court this way?

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-08-2022, 12:53 PM
Frankly, any justice that uninformed should be impeached, and, I mean any, if a Conservative had produced justification for a law in similar circumstances, I'd say the same thing.
mrmxmr's Avatar
liar liar pants on fire
your nose is longer than a telephone wire

your the token left for hire

law dont matter its what you libs desire

you sure arent worthy of scotus power

(sorry gang i cant help myself. i just could only laugh at how ridiculous she is and how even more ridiculous people who think like this are and how even more people who support these idiots are, i just have no laugh)
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That was retracted. It’s not Sotamayor, it’s Schumer’s wife. Apparently there’s 2 guys out there willing to mary a wooly mammoth.
bambino's Avatar
That was retracted. It’s not Sotamayor, it’s Schumer’s wife. Apparently there’s 2 guys out there willing to mary a wooly mammoth. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
... Is there a reason WHY they're NOT wearing masks?

Besides just being hypocrites, that is.

#### Salty
lustylad's Avatar

I thought Big Tech was busy censoring all the covid misinformation out there? Doctors, scientists, even the inventor of mRNA have been "de-platformed" for saying the wrong thing. Yet - you mean to tell me all those over-zealous media censors can't even protect the brilliant thinkers on the SCOTUS from swallowing false info?

One more reason to fire Zuckerberg and Dorsey!
berryberry's Avatar
That was retracted. It’s not Sotamayor, it’s Schumer’s wife. Apparently there’s 2 guys out there willing to mary a wooly mammoth. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Yeah -seems Politico has now retracted their story about who was in the photo. I should have known better to trust libtard media

Oh well, I guess we can simply focus on her and the other libtards outrageous lies during the hearing