Encounter: Cheerleaders

User ID: -
Date: 10/10/23
Name: Can't remember them all
Phone: 412 281 3110
Email Address: -
URL (Profile or Bio Page): -
City: Pittsburgh
State: Pennsylvania
Address: Liberty Ave in the Strip
Appointment Type: Strip Club
Activities: Lap Dances, no extras
Duration of Encounter: Multi-hour
Hair Length and Color: mostly long hair, I got dances with a brunette, blonde, and redhead. Because, why not?
Age: 22-30
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: I saw several girls, some white, some black, several different body types
Recommendation: Yes
I was at cheerleaders recently too and was equally impressed with the talent. Girls are SMOKING hot (in shape, young, pretty faces, etc) and the mileage is decent for Pittsburgh. Also very laid back atmosphere which i enjoy. Definitely my top pick for the nicer clubs in the city.

Originally Posted by takedacannoli
Good info. Appreciate the recon.
I wish we had clubs open during the day like in AZ or FL. Day shift girls are always fun.
I wish we had clubs open during the day like in AZ or FL. Day shift girls are always fun. Originally Posted by d.bonner
Rick's Cabaret (formerly Blush) downtown opens every day at noon (except Sunday, opens at 3pm).

And I agree, day shift girls can be a lot of fun.
happy hour between 5-7 half off appetizers and $2 beers
gutsandglory's Avatar
I wish we had clubs open during the day like in AZ or FL. Day shift girls are always fun. Originally Posted by d.bonner
The very best day shift club in the country is Baby Dolls Dallas - the place is actually worth a field trip. 50-100 girls and free (and pretty decent) buffet. No, I'm not a shill, just a fan of this place. You can get RT airfare cheap too. DFW is a hidden gem of a city for hobbying - look at the forum if you have doubts.