What is next for America?

ICU 812's Avatar
Well it looks (to me anyway) as though the Democrats will win the Presidency, retain the House of Representative's and possibly gain control of the Senate. So what is next?

What will America look like in 2024? Will everyone get free stuff; no education debt, no free health insurance, etc . . .

What about electric everything on wheels? Will there be enough generating capacity to keep all those vehicles charged? What about the cities; will New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Portland, Seattle and the other cities wracked by riots and looting ever be able to recover their former character and economy? With multiple trillions of additional psudo-money pumped into the economy, will we have runaway inflation?

Overseas: what about the ;peace agreements with Arab countries nd Isriel. Will that diplomatic effort continue or be allowed to wither. And Iran: will the old "Nuclear Deal" be revived and perhaps wrapped in the legitimacy of a ratified treaty? What about expansionist China? Will they be allowed to claim the West Pacific littoral as a defector Chinese lake while conquering Tiwan by force?

I believe tat all of the above is possible, much of it probable.

Frankly, I expect the worst.

Will someone please make me feel better and explain the Democrat utopia that will follow?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Think 1984 ish with joeys and hoeys controlling everything -- For our good of course
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Think 1984 ish with joeys and hoeys controlling everything -- For our good of course Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Don't leave out the print and spend money song and dance they are preaching
Better days and whining by the right. Love it.
Lapdog's Avatar
Haters gonna hate. Whiners gonna whine.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-30-2020, 09:42 AM

I believe tat all of the above is possible, much of it probable.

Frankly, I expect the worst.

Will someone please make me feel better and explain the Democrat utopia that will follow? Originally Posted by ICU 812
We have to pay off all the debt Trump, Obama and Bush piled up! Trump almost 8 trillion in four short years\\Obama almost 9 trillion in 8 long years//and GeorgieBoy who seems like a tight wad with a little under 6 trillion in 8 years.

Think 1984 ish with joeys and hoeys controlling everything -- For our good of course Originally Posted by rexdutchman
you better watch out

don't you ever doubt

they're filled up with hate

they're ready to re-educate

harris and aoc are comin' to destroy

they're makin' a list and checkin' it twice

they're putting a team on it who's never been nice

harris and aoc are comin' to destroy

they'll see you when you're sleepin'

they'll know when you're awake

they'll know even if you're whisperin'

so don't do things just for heaven's sake

oh they'll see you when you cling

to guns or to religion

that's when off you go ala-beijing

to their not-so-secret dungeon

yeah harris and aoc are comin' to destroy
matchingmole's Avatar
adav8s28's Avatar
We have to pay off all the debt Trump, Obama and Bush piled up! Trump almost 8 trillion in four short years\\Obama almost 9 trillion in 8 long years//and GeorgieBoy who seems like a tight wad with a little under 6 trillion in 8 years.

https://www.thebalance.com/us-debt-b...ercent-3306296 Originally Posted by WTF
If we just paid off all the debt that just Trump, Obama and Bush piled up the total US Debt would be reduced to 4 Trillion. It would require large Federal Budget surpluses to pay off 23 Trillion in debt. One think is for certain, that will not get done with the current tax structure that we have right now.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup Beijing Bidenss gonna save us all ,,,,,,,,, now to the bunker
winn dixie's Avatar
First- Dims will not gain control of the Senate!

Second- Were in for a very dark time in our nations history for the next 4 years. More division and a huge swing to the far left!
Lapdog's Avatar
Don't worry, that four years will go by quickly, just like the last four. Promise.
winn dixie's Avatar
Don't worry, that four years will go by quickly, just like the last four. Promise. Originally Posted by Lapdog
No comparison! Past 4 were great! Excluding the world pandemic!
The next 4 will be full of tearing the Constitution apart and divisive rhetoric!