Trumpys are chumpies

Munchmasterman's Avatar
trump has raised over $100000000 to find fraud.

How fucking stupid are you???

Don't waste any breath explaining why you are that stupid.

Surely as stupid as the gofuckme build the wall morons bannon duped..
The debate between the cretins and the imbeciles.
matchingmole's Avatar
lustylad's Avatar
Instead of whining, why aren't you taking advantage of it? I'm sure a big chunk of that $100 million is earmarked for whistle-blowers who expose dim-retard fraud and voting cheat schemes.

Go for it, munchy! This is your big chance to shine! Beats playing the lottery! A 15-minute call to Rudy G. will change your life. So blow the whistle, grab the reward money and flee to Mexico! You can enjoy a long and comfy retirement guzzling pina coladas in Puerto Vallarta!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Twitler should open a church. He could beat the tambourine and pass the plate.

Easiest money he ever stole.

matchingmole's Avatar