the curious case of regina waller

molly hemingway has a great article on all this, to whom I am indebted, I have tried to summarize parts of her article here

of course this thread involves the left wing "fact checkers" organization lead stories as well as ms. waller, as well as the ever reliable professional investigators at the Georgia secretary of states office

molly notes the following :

NOTE: In a Kafka-esque twist, Facebook is now using Lead Stories to censor this story critical of Lead Stories.

you do remember the state farm arena video and its purported memorialization of vote fraud?

well on the one hand news media and poll watchers claim they were told the counting was to be ended due to a water leak and all were to leave

the video shows everyone leaving but election officials

later, in defense, election officials claimed no one was told to leave nor that the count was to be ended

lead stories, a fact checking outfit leftists rely on says that the claim the observers were made to leave is false,

that there never was an announcement made to the media or to the republican observers about the counting being over for the night

and that the source for this information was the media liason, who is regina waller

Lead Stories:

“There was never an announcement made to the media and other observers about the counting being over for the night and them needing to leave, according to [Frances Watson, chief investigator for the Georgia Secretary of State], who was provided information by the media liaison, who was present.”

and so we come to the aforementioned regina waller

that storied fact checking institution known as lead stories doesn’t name the media liaison, the same media liaison who was present that night, according to the affidavits, who was regina waller, the fulton county public affairs manager for elections.

however on election night abc news announced that that same regina waller told them (abc news) that election officials at state farm arena in Atlanta has sent election counters home at 10:30

nbc news, kocal news and the Atlanta newspaper all reported virtually the same that night

so on the one hand we have state officials receiving, and I might add accepting as truth and proof, information from regina waller that no one was sent home

despite the watchers, the media and the video all being in agreement that they were sent home

and despite abc news reporting on election night that that same regina waller told them everyone was sent home

and the chief investigator for the secretary of state of Georgia is a dope as well - so much for his reliability as an investigator

aahhh, what tangled webs we weave

columbo: just one more thing ms. waller, I just need to tie up some loose ends for my superiors at head quarters before I can close the case..... just who ordered the counting with observers to end?
regina. waller telling abc news on the night of the election that the observers were sent home at 10:30 pm

and then regina waller later defending against video evidence of fraud by lying and telling the sec of state investigators that no one was sent home

and then for the investigators to accept that as proof

and then the lead stories fact checking org. "proving" no one was sent home by citing investigators that no one was sent home who based that on regina waller telling them no one was sent home

reminds me of cnn and buzzfeed citing each other as sources after cnn fed buzzfeed the steele dossier story so they could cite buzzfeed as a source for the steele dossier

what frauds you people believe, I think wtf posted the lie of all this in one of the vote fraud threads as proof the video didn't show anything untoward
rexdutchman's Avatar
you didn't see anything walk way
you didn't see anything walk way Originally Posted by rexdutchman
yeah and they cant even lie convincingly

although people liking the outcome will say claim to believe them
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Banana Republic "we are" ,, the sad part is it is not good for anybody that's not a elite millionaire