The reality of mississippi gulfcoast BS,with the honesty of things

wildcat4fun's Avatar
I will right off hand give Lea,Dallas,Babee,Bliss and SweetSara here 110% and more respect for there honesty even tho they have never met me that i know of.I have never heard one bad thing about them with the gentlemens that they have given ok's on and have never said a bad thing about me and i thank them very much for that.

So here goes something about me...I started in this business at the end of 2004 with a agency.I got popped because they didn't do things the right way.Learn from mistakes and move forward.Then i started my own down there and got the license out of hancock county which is only $30 dollars a year.getting one in biloxi is alot harder believe me i know.I made headline news with that bust in 2004 in Nov. I also fired back in 2004 and it was called ESCORTS FIRE BACK on the sunday paper of the sunhearld.I was the only one that fighted back for the ladies in this business and it caused me alot of headaches for a long time after that came out in the paper.Hey SHIT HAPPENS but at least i tried while everyone sat on there ass.

I also helped alot of ladies become indies down there.I never new about ECCIE,ASPD and other sites until last year and these are great sites to be on.

People talk about the bust and this and that,well mississippi i know for a fact when they get you they wanna have you turn on 3 people and they will let you go.I would rather pay the fine of 300 and walk away before ratting on anyone.So i have had a enough of certain people talking shit about me and they know who they are.I have kept quite on this board and others cause im not into bashing people and won't,

I can say this tho being on the boards i have learned alot but there is alot of info put on this board for LE to catch on to things and get smarter on catching people.

The M&G i have been to one since i have been on these boards and i have not been to one since since i have been in bad spots and i told certain people on this site i will not go to them because of that,i do not wanna put anyone in harms way.I have seen plenty of gentlemen on here as well of people i have met on CL and they have not been arrest since they have seen me.

I have sat back on watched where certain people have posted my pic on BP down there and try and bash me and i did not bash back on there cause i am better than that.

I also have seen people bash back BP and say they will not see anyone on CL and BP and they lie because i have seen the reviews of girls that they post about that are on BP and CL.Alot of the business is from CL and BP not alot off of here.

Maybe this will hurt my rep. and maybe not but at least i am honest.I have had enough of the BS.I know more about the coast and the way things are Belinda knows cause i kept her informed of everything when she ran my lines down there.Fab.Russian knows cause she worked for the B*tch down there.

You all say google the numbers so they just change the number then nothing pulls up and then you all say tineye the pictures so know they take pictures of girls in public and post them where you can pull nothing up on them you giving out to much when you should do it BCD and with trusted hobbist and providers.

Simple thing to do is see when they joined BP or CL or esc*rts.*om and see if they have reviews and if shows none something might be wrong or they have there reviews hidden on there cause on the bottom of there profile it will show you if they have any reviews even if they are hidden it show the numbers of reviews on them.Check for websites and see if they have reviews.

The good thing about websites if you got the right click botton disable noone can copy your website you dont have to discuss anything over the phone cause you have all the info right there for all you have to do is set a time for the date to take place nothing on recordings or in person.

Believe me i got alot to learn still but im not gonna help the LE out.Some poeple on here has said i needed to change my name and other things.Well i have nothing to hide.I am who i am.Cause one my cellphone is not in my name second where i live nothing in my name so they will have fun trying to locate me.So talk about me all you want about me being watched cause if i am they are watching the wrong house.

But play safe and just becareful...


Boards can be a PIA. Don't live or die by them. I've heard stuff, been asked stuff, asked to call and ask others about stuff. But I don't know stuff. I have my own damn stuff. Your stuff looks mighty cute and all but it ain't my stuff to worry about. You keep your professional stuff straight and any other stuff of yours ain't my concern.

So far, heard nothin but good about you up here in the north (that's TN to you peckerheads). Don't sweat the drama bs. <-that's bullstuff btw. (for those who don't know BP is still #1 in TN, that's just the way it is here.)
wildcat4fun's Avatar
Thank you Babee and the TN guys have been great.I have noticed its alot calmer up here then on the coast.

I just figured i would put something out there since i was being bashed on BP on the coast.Bad thing about people they believe alot shit they see and read without getting all the facts.So i figure its time to speak out a little about things.

I'm a little firecracker now that i got away from the coast and some of them bad things down there.

Guess i'm a little like Miley Cirus,went to the city life and was forgetting where i came from until i came back to my homeland and found myself all over again.
DallasRain's Avatar
hey sweety===don't worry so much---worrying takes too much time away from having real fun{lol}............-just keep on being who you are!!! you rock!!
vicinms's Avatar
Boards can be a PIA. Don't live or die by them. I have my own damn stuff. Originally Posted by babee
===don't worry so much---worrying takes too much time away from having real fun{lol! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Babee and Dallas are right on! It just doesn't help playing into other people's drama, since we all have our own stuff to worry about. You'll never stop some people from running their mouths, whether they know what's going on or not so it's best to ignore it.

I've heard very little about you other than the busts and you can't really blame people for being a little paranoid after something like that (as I'm sure you were)! Personally, I prefer to make up my own mind about people, and in fact we met when others were keeping their distance. Those of us on both sides of this business know we can't be 100% invisible and if LE wants you, they can get you and your life is probably not quite the same afterwards, regardless of whether charges stick or not.

IMO all we can do is be as safe as possible and make the most of what we can, when we can!
DallasRain's Avatar
if people spent more time "making love/not war"..the world would be a much appier place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wildcat4fun's Avatar
((in fact we met when others were keeping their distance. ))vicinms

Yes we did and it was a pleasure meeting you,Sorry i was no longer a blonde at that time but i am going back blonde now and even bought me a tanning bed to get that dark tan back.

Your right Dallas they wanna have wars instead of making love..
Brer Rabbit's Avatar
Gloria, well said and truthful.

The agency crap here on the Coast, the LE fallout from it, and back-biting sleaziness of the agency operators have all combined to give hobbiests, myself included, pause to avoid playing in our own back yard and to have a health skepticism about what CL was, how it was abused, and what BP and the CL replacement will now become.

I worry that the trash from those sites will gravitate here. Yeah, we'll out them and run them off, but that takes time and wastes the energies of everyone.

But I agree with the other ladies here that building on the future and moving past the drama (while still having a sharp eye on the past) is the better course.

Enjoying the hobby experience from the perspective and goals of both participants while doing so safely and with delightful fun is the goal.

I'm still hesitant to play around my home base because of the issues Gloria raised. What she said in starting this thread probably needed to be said (but maybe only once) and I applaud Gloria for her guts in doing it.

The lingering tendency on the part of some of us Coast locals to play only when "on the road" is not a reflection on the great ladies here who belong to this board and have established credibility, good reputations in the hobby and strong reviews. Just keep screening carefully ladies, and guys, don't complain about it. We all need to stay safe in every sense of the word, IMHO.
DallasRain's Avatar
Gloria us "reputable ladies" mentioned above could should people how to "make love,not war"!!!
elcid180's Avatar
No doubt about it though Dallas or Gloria or Babee would any or all of you be my POW. No tunneling out of my camp
wildcat4fun's Avatar
i'm always about making love and kinky sex,that is what this is about and watching out for each other..
DallasRain's Avatar
amen Gloria!!!!

wooohoooo elcid---you rock!
wildcat4fun's Avatar
No doubt about it though Dallas or Gloria or Babee would any or all of you be my POW. No tunneling out of my camp Originally Posted by elcid180
elcid you may not make it threw the POW alive,but can promise you will have a smile on your face when you go tho.
elcid180's Avatar
That the truth and when I see St Peter would have to tell him that I had heaven on earth especially with all those ladies
NshoreGeorge's Avatar
You are and have always been a lady, Illegitimis non Carborundum (Don't Let the Bastards Grind You Down)
As you see from your support from some of the other Ladies of the Hobby, you have nothing to apologize for.
I enjoyed our encounter a while back (Boys she is OFF ... Old Fart Friendly) and aboveboard, Mississippi has had a lot of backstabbing going on between providers, I sure hope they learn from some of NOLAS finest.