Posted on August 18, 2012 by John Hinderaker in Liberals at

An Instance of Liberals’ Preference For Narrative Over Reality

Barack Obama is fond of saying that we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers. I complained about his apparent ignorance of Christian theology here, after Obama said:
I came to my Christian faith later in life, and it was because the precepts of Jesus Christ spoke to me in terms of the kind of life that I would want to lead — being my brothers’ and sisters’ keeper, treating others as they would treat me.
Nor did Jesus ever say that we should be our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers; Obama apparently referred to the story of Cain and Abel.

This is the point I want to make: Biblical precepts are often twisted by liberals to support socialism. Jesus was not a socialist. On the contrary, he explicitly disclaimed any political agenda. And the moral of the story in Genesis is not that we are, or should be, our brothers’ keepers.

Rather, the phrase comes from Cain’s answer when God asks him the whereabouts of his brother Abel, whom Cain has just killed. Cain denies any knowledge, and adds the self-exculpatory question, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” The point of the story is not that Cain was responsible for looking after Abel, like an Old Testament Nancy Pelosi. Cain was condemned not for failing to keep watch over his brother, but for killing him.
Of course, when Obama says that we are our brothers’ keepers, he is speaking metaphorically. He doesn’t mean real brothers, he means people in general. And he doesn’t intend that we should “keep” them personally, but rather that we (some of us, anyway) should pay a lot more in taxes so that others can be kept by the government. Obama’s words represent narrative, not reality.

We conservatives understand the metaphor and rebel against it. At the same time, it is hard to imagine any conservative failing to help a real brother who is in real need. And with our own time and money, not someone else’s. That’s reality, not narrative.

We learned in a remarkable news story, a couple of days ago, that Barack Obama has an actual brother, not a figurative one, who is living in poverty in Africa. His name is George Obama. Barack has met his brother George, but has no ongoing contact with him. George Obama is in trouble: he has a young son who is sick and has been hospitalized, and George, a poor man, has no way to pay the hospital bill.

You would naturally assume that George Obama would reach out to his brother Barack for help. After all, Barack is a multimillionaire; not only that, he is the most powerful man in the world and has often spoken of the importance of being one’s brother’s keeper. So surely Barack would be happy to “keep” his real brother by paying his son’s–Barack’s nephew’s–hospital bill, right?

Wrong. What a silly idea! George Obama exists in the world of reality, not narrative. He is a real brother, not a fictitious “brother” who exists only as an excuse to raise someone else’s taxes. George apparently knew better than to call on his real brother, the President of the United States, in a time of need. So where did he turn? To Dinesh D’Souza.

George met D’Souza when Dinesh was in Africa, working on his blockbuster movie 2016, which is harshly critical of Barack Obama. D’Souza interviewed George Obama, and they spent a day together. Here is how Dinesh tells the story:
A few days ago I received a call from a man I recently met named George. He was a bit flustered, and soon informed me that his young son was sick with a chest condition. He pleaded with me to send him $1,000 to cover the medical bills. Since George was at the hospital I asked him to let me speak to a nurse, and she confirmed that George’s son was indeed ill. So I agreed to send George the money through Western Union. He was profusely grateful. But before I hung up I asked George, “Why are you coming to me?” He said, “I have no one else to ask.” Then he said something that astounded me, “Dinesh, you are like a brother to me.”
This is, I think, one of the more stunning stories I have ever read, and if Barack Obama were a Republican, it would dominate the news. George Obama turned to a political opponent of his brother the President for help, because his brother Barack is useful only in the world of narrative, not in the world of reality. If you actually need a thousand bucks, and now, don’t go to a liberal: “brotherhood” goes only so far. Even in Africa, it apparently is understood that if you need real help in the real world, you should go to a conservative.

Is Barack Obama embarrassed that George Obama preferred to call Dinesh D’Souza, the president’s political critic, for help, rather than contacting his own brother the President? I don’t suppose we will ever know, since no reporter with access to the White House is likely to ask the question.
BTW my Marxists buddies; the thread title is a rhetorical question, so no need to post your stupid replies ......but feel free to explain why lefties prefer narrative over reality.......
WOW, I say we start up a collection for George and his son. Let's help his son get the best heathcare in the world. Buy them a plane ticket. I'm serious about this. Thank Whirly
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We could invite George to the GOP convention.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
We could invite George to the GOP convention. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Since Todd is doing a reality show (isn’t that ironic), he could be Sarah Palin’s date.
It’s perfect. He would get bored at something like that and want to leave early. Sarah is used to leaving political activities before they are over. Like being governor.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Haha, Munchie. That was funny! But what do you think about how the President is treating his brother? You dodged that issue by making a very funny joke. Still, I'd like to know.
We could invite George to the GOP convention. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
thats funny, the democrats always have some left-handed, blind, woman , on birth-control, lesbian, college student burdened with student loans, crippled person without a job thanking obama for insurance and food stamps sitting next to the first family in their box

would be hilarious to have greoge sitting next to ann
joe bloe's Avatar
Obama is the worst sort of hypocrite. If a Republican presidential candidate had a brother living in dire poverty, and did nothing to help, the media would be all over it. Obama has never even been asked about it.

This sort of hypocrisy is the norm for leftists. Charitable contributions for left wing politicians are typically extremely low. The whole idea, of voting to have the government provide social welfare, is just a way of avoiding personal responsibility to help the truly needy.

Every study indicates that conservatives give more to charity per capita than liberals.
. Charitable contributions for left wing politicians are typically extremely low. Originally Posted by joe bloe

you are wrong, biden donated $320 to something one year
Yeah; and I remember David Dinkins, first black mayor of NYC (and also one of it's worse) total donations to charities was some old clothes he gave to the Salvation Army...Dinkins was famous for saying Republicans don't care about the poor.......Dinkins was thrown out of office after one term; Rudy beat him...Rudy turned the raging crime rate in NYC around and won a 2nd term as Mayor.........
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obama personally killed bin Laden with his bare hands.
i think clinton was deducting $3 a pair for his old underwear he tossed to goodwill
I am still wanting to hear from the Obamazombies about why they prefer the narrative of a charitable life over the reality of being charitable.....

joe bloe's Avatar
you are wrong, biden donated $320 to something one year Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
That was probably a good year for him. He must have been feeling generous. The real punch line is that almost all leftist politicians are church members. They have to be for political reasons. When you see these absurdly low amounts for charitable contributions for Dimo's, it means they are probably giving NOTHING to their own church.
You hit on a good point JB; I think part of the reason TeamObama wants the Romney tax returns is to drum up suspcion about Romney's mormonism.......mark my word, they will use his religion to divide and conquor the independent voters.

That was probably a good year for him. He must have been feeling generous. The real punch line is that almost all leftist politicians are church members. They have to be for political reasons. When you see these absurdly low amounts for charitable contributions for Dimo's, it means they are probably giving NOTHING to their own church. Originally Posted by joe bloe