San Antonio Forums are pure garbage these days

DirkDigglerSanAntonio's Avatar
Haven't missed much it seems. New screen names with the same ol' garbage spewing. Newer mouthy screen names that have been banned. Same agendas and trolling as always.

Would it be too much to ask to stick to the topics of pussy, women, and getting laid? I do believe that is the whole premise here.

Simon Riley our new Provider imposter seems very reminiscent to me in terms of someone we all knew well at one time. I am still a little upset to the fact I lost the crown of being a providers alter ego, or whatever crazy theories that shot around.

Thinks he/she is clever, but really just a child behind a keyboard.

I see Whispers came and gone for a stint. Things were much better when it was an Information Exchange instead of a playground for losers who like to come on a hooker board and make fun of and attempt to belittle hookers.

At least some very informative information was exchanged and debated back in the good 'ol days of battling it out with the Three Stooges, which then in turn added a groupie and became the Quattro Stooges. Hey I get it, they were awe struck by a sleazy pussy controlled by a midget. I have been in similar situations being pussy whipped, even If I do have to pay for it on occasion.

Looks like the girls are still being duped by the king of douche.

Anyways ya'll have fun, nothing here even to hold my interest other than the pretty and smart ladies who don't chime in on all the garbage.

Now that Captain Obvious has came in and stated the obvious, ya'll have a great day and stay classy.

Should be just about any day now your favorite class clown should be back, doing what he does best.
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 08-25-2014, 03:27 PM
you know what would help make this place better?

another bonn review.

Dude, don't be butt-hurt. I'll let you be Bailey again, if you want to...

I was just making fun of Mayor Castro for his dumb assumption.

Let's hug it out. You can have her back. There, there.

DirkDigglerSanAntonio's Avatar

Dude, don't be butt-hurt. I'll let you be Bailey again, if you want to...

I was just making fun of Mayor Castro for his dumb assumption.

Let's hug it out. You can have her back. There, there.

Originally Posted by Simon Riley
Oh No I am good. I never asked for it, and because of my superior spidey senses, regarding a few subjects, I inadvertently assisted the trolls with the unwarranted and unnecessary harassment the above said endured. Nothing funny about your comments at all to most here, excluding about a handful of sub-human idiots that attacked a very nice and genuine person. Very rare in this hobby of ours having someone who was that genuine. Nothing funny about it, and if you have met her, you would understand what I am saying better. Sad tragic loss for this community. I vowed I would not discuss that topic to myself, and that's all I will say on it. So bait away, I won't acknowledge.

I simply was asserting the fact how IGNORANT people are on these boards, and the assumptions they make either out of maliciousness or just for entertainment purposes, really should not be made unless they have at least some circumstantial evidence. Me I go further than that, anything I brought to light in the past I had my ducks in a row, with much more than circumstantial evidence.

Bottom line, you aren't cute, mayorcastro isn't cute, RR and his pathetic attempts to reinvigorate himself through new screen names and we all know is far from cute, and the others are nothing more than gutless, bad asses behind a keyboard. These boards are loosely moderated, favoritism runs rampant.

So as I said. San Antonio Eccie Forums are GARBAGE.

Bottom line, you aren't cute, mayorcastro isn't cute, RR and his pathetic attempts to reinvigorate himself through new screen names and we all know is far from cute, and the others are nothing more than gutless, bad asses behind a keyboard. These boards are loosely moderated, favoritism runs rampant.

So as I said. San Antonio Eccie Forums are GARBAGE.

Originally Posted by DirkDigglerSanAntonio
It pains me to know what you think of me. Your opinion weighs heavily on my mind.

Please change your mind about me. I would really like it if you think that I am cute.


Pretty please...

But, you shouldn't dismiss Mayor Castro or RR so quickly. Those motherfuckers are cute. They are cute as a baby wombat.

mayorcastro's Avatar
No Kid Pics - VS

But I will put the message from the pic.

Originally Posted by Kid in Pic Via Mayorcastro - "I thought it was guys are mean."
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Haven't missed much it seems. New screen names with the same ol' garbage spewing. Newer mouthy screen names that have been banned. Same agendas and trolling as always.

Would it be too much to ask to stick to the topics of pussy, women, and getting laid? I do believe that is the whole premise here.

Simon Riley our new Provider imposter seems very reminiscent to me in terms of someone we all knew well at one time. I am still a little upset to the fact I lost the crown of being a providers alter ego, or whatever crazy theories that shot around.

Thinks he/she is clever, but really just a child behind a keyboard.

I see Whispers came and gone for a stint. Things were much better when it was an Information Exchange instead of a playground for losers who like to come on a hooker board and make fun of and attempt to belittle hookers.

At least some very informative information was exchanged and debated back in the good 'ol days of battling it out with the Three Stooges, which then in turn added a groupie and became the Quattro Stooges. Hey I get it, they were awe struck by a sleazy pussy controlled by a midget. I have been in similar situations being pussy whipped, even If I do have to pay for it on occasion.

Looks like the girls are still being duped by the king of douche.

Anyways ya'll have fun, nothing here even to hold my interest other than the pretty and smart ladies who don't chime in on all the garbage.

Now that Captain Obvious has came in and stated the obvious, ya'll have a great day and stay classy.

Should be just about any day now your favorite class clown should be back, doing what he does best. Originally Posted by DirkDigglerSanAntonio

I just have ONE QUESTION:



Your amused slave,

I just have ONE QUESTION:


Your amused slave,

Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere

Only if it is shaped into a Fleshlight.

DirkDigglerSanAntonio's Avatar

I just have ONE QUESTION:



Your amused slave,

Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere

Sure it is, inquisitive one.

SLEAZY PUSSY is detachable, didn't you know that?

Just ask Still Looking, Alpha210, Paris, Sonyaplaymate, (along with countless others), if you don't believe me.

They've all detached

"BOUNCE", you ask?

Sure. One sec.



I do appreciate chiming in and shining light on who this particular excerpt was all about! BRILLIANT SLAVE, JUST BRILLIANT! Smart one aren't we?

Your ever-enlightning,

DirkDigglerSanAntonio's Avatar
Slave G. I am shocked to see you came out and want to play on my thread. Let me enlighten you a bit more.

See.... I never thought you would come out and play with me again. So to celebrate this joyous celebration I would like to address you, and its very fitting that you come out to play on my GARBAGE thread.

One who lays all their cards out on the table, really has no power at the table anymore. We all have seen and come accustomed to your tactics. When someone presents this community with valid and interesting points regarding a provider and her garbage, she retaliates by going after innocent people, no matter how closely or loosely they are associated with the person you have your real beef with, by starting nasty rumors, and throwing the pussy around to select individuals who will do her bidding for her, for them to attack. And attack they have done, in so many different capacities. YOU MA'AM are the Ring Leader of Trash and the major original contributor to making this community a cess pool of garbage.

See at this point what power do you have? Who are you going to attack now? The ladies I see, I see in an anonymous manner. They love me, love my money, but of course don't want any retaliation from the PSYCHOTIC few on this board.

So what are you going to do now?

Are you going to continue to give false references for malicious handles on this board and continue to put other ladies at risk?

Are you going to continue to encourage your lapdogs to out people and mess with their personal lives?

Are you going to continue to stalk (physically) and out people's places of residence to very dangerous and malicious individuals?

What tactics will you stoop to now?

"Those who live in glass houses shall not throw stones" And your mansion of glass is very fragile Miss Slave.

AMAZED you had the nerve to come out and play. Thanks, I have been a bit bored lately.
Whispers's Avatar
Her boyfriend Rocker Rick AKA many others is here in the thread ...They can't resist you..... The two of them have no qualms outing people behind the scenes and causing trouble.

Someone is pretty close to having their world turned upside down me thinks..... It seems to be heating up again.....
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 08-27-2014, 11:00 AM
It is interesting to note how the ones who complain the most about the drama are usually also the ones who continue to perpetuate it.
Samcro84's Avatar
Well said Mokoa
Whispers's Avatar
It is interesting to note how the ones who complain the most about the drama are usually also the ones who continue to perpetuate it. Originally Posted by Mokoa
No the drama is perpetuated when Mods like yourself don't deal with the obvious..... Others have to bring the shit to bear and then go around and above you to get action.....

Don't you have more sorting to do?

San Antonio is in the hands of a Ft Worth guy now that is taking care of things it seems... you can go back to sleep.
DirkDigglerSanAntonio's Avatar
It is interesting to note how the ones who complain the most about the drama are usually also the ones who continue to perpetuate it. Originally Posted by Mokoa
There is a very large difference between "drama" and what this provider has been doing. Eccie rules do nothing but encourage "drama" as you put it, but this is a different story.

The provider who decided to chime in here, is vicious with no regard for anything in her life. (including herself).

She has a god complex and can't see the forest for the trees. When you play with peoples lives in the manner she has, Whispers is probably on to something with his above statement.

People are tired of the harassment, nasty games, and immature tactics that the oh so worshipped Slave has been dealing out.

I agree Simon Riley most likely is either Slave, or RR, or both depending who is on their knees at the time and who is at the keyboard.

Interesting a Mod Chimes in about his area being garbage. Mokoa does exist!!

Bottom line no one can argue all this "no glove no love" "Simon Riley" BS is GARBAGE. Nothing but insults and hearsay.

Well if Eccie Rules allowed otherwise, my hearsay would be ruled out as hearsay very quickly.

When will Eccie police these boards better? After someone is hurt? Killed? All in the name of precious Slave G.

All because one provider feels she is Queen of San Antonio, and anyone that gets in her way, or what she deems as in her way, she sicks her sick followers on them.

If she was smart she would address the concerns of past, present and definitely future, instead of deflecting the negative attention somewhere else.

This negative attention does not come from any case of the ass, it comes from black and white occurrences, verified stories coming from multiple reputable members mouths. Documented and REPORTED TO THE POLICE instances. Besides all she had to do was read and go on with her YouTube fun, but she lives for this. Positive, Neutral, or Negative attention feeds her ego, feeds her polluted mind. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know what is helping pollute her mind.

So thanks for being Captain Obvious's "Robin" there Mokoa. Instead of chiming in on this, why don't you chime in on the HATRED and UNWARRANTED poison spewed from Slave and her gang using a new screen name every other day. and attacking anyone they can. I know you have the means to track IP addresses and most likely Device ID's.

I want my board back, I want all of our board back where we review, discuss, and have meaningful conversation relating to the hobby we are all obviously here for other than a few select few.

Equate what I say as "drama" all you want. It is not DRAMA. It is an exchange of information for people to read in between the lines and make their own informed decision about the Gollum that Slave Guinivere and gang is.

From what I see Von Spieler has been an excellent Mod to date. Might take some notes from him, that would be my suggestion.

Besides I let my rant go, yet someone who just cannot resist "drama" had to chime in.

I have been very quiet, and hoped this board would correct itself, that will NEVER happen as long as Slave G. is a member.

Anyone that would see her after all the self admittance of her closeness with RR is flat out CRAZY.