
Has any gent received a text from

Check this out:

For you gentlemen who decide to rip off, short change, NCNS, abuse, etc......the bad behavior is noted by any smart provider who uses the DNS/Blacklist sites.

Well, a website has been brought to my attention and its pretty much a shakedown site for the guys who have been put on DNS/Blacklist sites. They're copying reports made by providers on other sites and listing them on their site. But, the kicker is.......they're sending out text messages to you gents who are listed and telling you to go check it out.

This all was brought to my attention yesterday and after having a computer wiz help me investigate, its a shakedown site. They list 5 different sites that can "help you get your info removed" for a fee of course. The fees are outstanding....AND they're all tied together. Those 5 "removal" companies are connected to - that is the shakedown site

I'd be a little more careful if I were you gents.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Elena, I believe this is a sister site to the previously reported that was shaking down some ladies here.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I'll be honest. I seriously doubt those sites have any influence. I have a little more faith in the ladies to explicitly refuse to see a client based on some report on the internet. If they do, they are bad business women. I know as a client, it takes more than one bad review for me to write a potential provider off my list. It takes a pattern of bad reviews and other red flags for me to write one off.
thisguy23's Avatar
I'll be honest. I seriously doubt those sites have any influence. I have a little more faith in the ladies to explicitly refuse to see a client based on some report on the internet. If they do, they are bad business women. I know as a client, it takes more than one bad review for me to write a potential provider off my list. It takes a pattern of bad reviews and other red flags for me to write one off. Originally Posted by Cpalmson

Bigh1955's Avatar
Thanks MsE for the headsup...Well, on a plus note, at least now maybe we'll know if we get blacklisted. LOL
pyramider's Avatar
Its bogus ... Wakeup is not listed, yet.
Hahaha 3 sides. Someone should add him then.

I was just alerted to that site yesterday by a client of mine who was put on a DNS site because he showed up late to his appt after he repeatedly tried to call her to tell her. Now, he's listed on that site with his real name, number and place of employment. He's all freaked out because he got a text from them yesterday alerting him.

I've never been a fan of adding clients to a DNS list unless it was truly warranted, I.E., abuse, ripping off.
Some of ya'll just make me crack up lol.
Elena, I believe this is a sister site to the previously reported that was shaking down some ladies here. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

Just came upon this thread, so a little late to it but…

Actually, that site looks like the continuation of as I know someone that has a stalker who has posted falsely for years about him. The facts are never of relevance to these sites, nor is the law as it relates to First Amendment as well as Section 230 Of Communications Decency Act of 1996 (CDA). While it is generally thought that ISP’s are no longer considered being responsible for the information that their users publish online, they are, in fact, responsible once notified of any libelous posting. As can be found if you know where to look for the court cases as there are numerous court cases and other actions which have led to ISP’s being forced to remove content from their servers, liable is still a civil tort which has remedies that include jail time (under specific circumstances such as contempt of court), fines, and other actions.

Cyber-libel is a catchphrase for defamation; liable is one form of defamation which is written while slander is another form of defamation that is spoken which takes place through the Internet through audio recordings, either on messageboards, email, blogs, chatrooms, personal websites, or other published articles. Defamation, in the real world, means that someone has communicated a false and damaging statement to a third party that does verifiable harm to the defamed person's reputation. Traditionally, libel occurring through newspapers, magazines, fliers, or letters, made distinctions between a public and private figure. That is, a public figure such as a politician has less of an expectation of privacy regarding his, or her, activities. Also, it is easier for him, or her, to publicize their response, or defense, to damaging information to correct the public's opinion. Yet an individual who is not in the public eye has a greater protection of their reputation. Since they cannot easily reach the people who have learned misinformation, they're more likely to win a libel case.

The key portion that almost all sites like the one the OP posted about neglect to recall, is that they are releasing personal information about private citizens as the Elliot Spitzer’s are rare, who have the right to privacy by not having their information posted regardless of whether a hooker thinks she has the right to do so or not. The long and short of it is if you post about anyone and give up real world information in the P4 world while making false accusations that cannot be proven, i.e. a he said/she said will never prove anything in a Court of Law, and it is discovered, you can have a world of legal trouble in your laps if the injured party comes after you. To those girls who think a guy coming after you for legal redress is stalking, that is generally not a valid claim.

Use of those sites like,,, etc. should be the choice of last resort. Just remember, if you post something, even anonymously, and it is false, you can still be held responsible for what is posted. So just be aware that using those sites for anything like revenge, outing of guys/girls, etc can cause legal problems for you which can be substantial, if what gets reported is not true, and provable. Also, be cognizant that your real world personal information could easily be tied to your P4P persona into the freely searchable Internet if it is in an Open Records state like California, Texas and others. That means if you are hiding the fact you are a provider from your family, friends, or employer that information can come out through the Courts, and… . you get the idea.

Wakeup's Avatar
Its bogus ... Wakeup is not listed, yet. Originally Posted by pyramider
Fast Gunn's Avatar
That's probably because it's common knowledge.

. . . I am certain the ladies quickly get a keen sense of a man's character by his posts that no further investigation is required!

Its bogus ... Wakeup is not listed, yet. Originally Posted by pyramider