Do any vets have advise on patience with providers responding to new hobbyist?

Mgm84's Avatar
  • Mgm84
  • 03-15-2013, 03:16 AM
Just looking for a little advise or tips on how to gain patience for these providers and their tendency not to respond. Is there a process to get them to respond quicker?
  • loboy
  • 03-15-2013, 07:03 AM
P411 Not a vet but sometimes you just have to move on I guess.......
ck1942's Avatar
Since you are new and as yet unknown,

-- look for providers who say they are "newbie friendly" and once you have passed their lowered screening process and their boudoirs, you may have some solid references for other providers.

-- Consider joining P411 or DateCheck.

Some agencies may offer vouches; certainly screening shouldn't be an issue.

As far as getting lax providers to respond more quickly - let me know if you succeed - we can try to patent your successful formula.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Just looking for a little advise or tips on how to gain patience for these providers and their tendency not to respond. Is there a process to get them to respond quicker? Originally Posted by Mgm84
No.....LOL Best advice from an experienced mature provider in the hobby, DO SOME RESEARCH....choose someone newbie friendly as stated. You'll discover that many providers are not, due to the many unsafe things that could happen, and try to refrain from stating things like you're impatient in an open public forum...oops! LOL Many of us look for the threads posted by potential clients and will dismiss them if they seem to be "unfriendly".

What exactly are you saying when you write to them or call? Communicating effectively might make a difference. If you write and say something like...."Are you available?" and that's're less likely to get a response I would imagine. If you're more articulate when you contact them, that could possibly help. Also, try to contact a lady well in advance. And yes, I understand that's not always possible, but as a newbie, you might have better luck.

Also as stated, becoming a member of P411 does help get your foot in the door a little quicker and you'll have access to reputable providers from that site as well.

Keep in mind we are people too, we have personal lives that may keep us from responding in the time frame you would prefer, and just because we do what we do for a living doesn't mean we are all simply warm wet holes that sit around all day, all dolled up, and are waiting for just "you" to contact us to be available "right now". If I had a nickel for every time a gent contacted me wanting to see me "right now" that I've never seen or met before....ijs

I've been guilty of not responding, but mostly if I was unable to get back within the time a gent wants to be seen, if he asked a stupid question like "Are you available" (I hate to break it to all the gents who do that, but yes, IMO it's a stupid question, especially if we've never met....sorry. Obviously, many of us are available....noted by the showcase available to you, and the ads we post.....LOL), or simply said something like..."you're sexy" with nothing else....should we reply....."Noted...thanks?". Hopefully, you have a better understanding of what we deal with day in and day out. :-( We need your patience! LOL

Sorry you're having a rough go of it and hope you glean the info and advice you desire. Hobby safe!
  • loboy
  • 03-15-2013, 12:26 PM
No.....LOL Best advice from an experienced mature provider in the hobby, DO SOME RESEARCH....choose someone newbie friendly as stated. You'll discover that many providers are not, due to the many unsafe things that could happen, and try to refrain from stating things like you're impatient in an open public forum...oops! LOL Many of us look for the threads posted by potential clients and will dismiss them if they seem to be "unfriendly".

What exactly are you saying when you write to them or call? Communicating effectively might make a difference. If you write and say something like...."Are you available?" and that's're less likely to get a response I would imagine. If you're more articulate when you contact them, that could possibly help. Also, try to contact a lady well in advance. And yes, I understand that's not always possible, but as a newbie, you might have better luck.

Also as stated, becoming a member of P411 does help get your foot in the door a little quicker and you'll have access to reputable providers from that site as well.

Keep in mind we are people too, we have personal lives that may keep us from responding in the time frame you would prefer, and just because we do what we do for a living doesn't mean we are all simply warm wet holes that sit around all day, all dolled up, and are waiting for just "you" to contact us to be available "right now". If I had a nickel for every time a gent contacted me wanting to see me "right now" that I've never seen or met before....ijs

I've been guilty of not responding, but mostly if I was unable to get back within the time a gent wants to be seen, if he asked a stupid question like "Are you available" (I hate to break it to all the gents who do that, but yes, IMO it's a stupid question, especially if we've never met....sorry. Obviously, many of us are available....noted by the showcase available to you, and the ads we post.....LOL), or simply said something like..."you're sexy" with nothing else....should we reply....."Noted...thanks?". Hopefully, you have a better understanding of what we deal with day in and day out. :-( We need your patience! LOL

Sorry you're having a rough go of it and hope you glean the info and advice you desire. Hobby safe! Originally Posted by M A X
Lol uh oh hopefully my post doesn't make me seem "unfriendly and impatient" Thanks for the advice...What about asking if available during an advance day?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
A day ahead is good. Consider how busy the provider seems to be per all the reviews popping up and gents discussing her. For some ladies, some times that's not even enough. Most have various ways to be contacted as well, and some gents blow them all up trying to get in touch. Hard to respond to everything at times.
  • loboy
  • 03-15-2013, 12:36 PM
A day ahead is good. Consider how busy the provider seems to be per all the reviews popping up and gents discussing her. For some ladies, some times that's not even enough. Most have various ways to be contacted as well, and some gents blow them all up trying to get in touch. Hard to respond to everything at times. Originally Posted by M A X
Oh...well I meant like 1 or 2 week in advance lol too long huh?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Depends on the lady. :-)
  • loboy
  • 03-15-2013, 12:42 PM
Depends on the lady. :-) Originally Posted by M A X
Lol thanks for insight...I only like to send few msgs...Too much and it makes me feel desperate and annoying to the provider as well as becoming a creep in their minds
plainjoe's Avatar
A week or two ahead of time would not be a bad thing, especially for a newbie. It will allow the lady time to screen you. Others have stated it, but recommend joining a verification site such as P411. Do your homework and do your research - seek out the ladies that are "newbie friendly."
Traveling ladies, advertise that they will visit different areas - for those that are popular, their schedules quickly fill up. So contacting them a week or two in advance is not to early.
Good luck in the hobby.
  • loboy
  • 03-15-2013, 06:33 PM
Thanks yea I've since joined p411 and find that the ladies feel much safer using that so I try using that now