What is popper play ?

What is popper play?

I saw this in a dominatrix's ad, and I googled it but wanted to get your perspective of what it is if it appeared in a dominatrix ad.
James1588's Avatar
What is popper play?

I saw this in a dominatrix's ad, and I googled it but wanted to get your perspective of what it is if it appeared in a dominatrix ad. Originally Posted by neighbordude
Dominatrices typically enjoy poppers as a snack. Especially if they're shrimp poppers. Many think they go well with extreme fajitas.

Don't mind me. I think I have a case of the Mondays. Which is pathetic, considering that it's Saturday night.

Good luck. I'd check the Urban Dictionary or some similarly authoritative online source. I'd try to look it up for you, but I'm sure our friends at the NSA look for particular patterns in our search engine usage. I don't want to go to Federal "Pound Me In the Ass" prison.
TheOtherMan's Avatar
Poppers are an inhaled stim that gained popularity in the leather scene (many, many years ago), that spread to the B&D scene, and recently (last few years or so) had a resurgence. Poppers are an aphrodisiac and *inhibition relaxer*. They are probably readily available at any gay club. Happy hunting. (ask for English..)
Amyl Nitrate. Refers to a small, usually brown bottle of solvents or the solvents themselves, which are sniffed, usually during homosexual sex by the bottom. Amyl Nitrate boosts blood pressure, relaxing the anus and making anal sex more comoftable. Also known as snappers.
Poppers are an inhaled stim that gained popularity in the leather scene (many, many years ago), that spread to the B&D scene, and recently (last few years or so) had a resurgence. Poppers are an aphrodisiac and *inhibition relaxer*. They are probably readily available at any gay club. Happy hunting. (ask for English..) Originally Posted by TheOtherMan

Thanks. Probably a dumb question, but...

Are they strictly a stimulant?

If I get pulled over, would I have to worry about passing blood test, sobriety tests, etc.
Neighborhood - I would suggest contacting Mistress Tracy. If you want to experience poppers. You will be hooked.
Just make sure no dick pills and poppers. I believe that can be a deadly combo.
Just make sure no dick pills and poppers. I believe that can be a deadly combo. Originally Posted by thirtyfour

That is VERY good info to have.

That would have been my last hour.

Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
You can buy poppers at pretty much any "smoke shop".
My favorite brands are Rush & Jungle Juice.
It's best to store them in the freezer after opening if you don't plan to use the whole bottle within a few days.

For a more intimate way of incorporating them, sometimes a Dom/Top will dampen a rag with poppers and hold them under the sub/bottom's nose to "forcibly intoxicate" them (consensually of course). Otherwise many times friends/sex partners will simply pass a bottle between them or the receptive partner in anal sex will hold onto a bottle and take a whiff every few minutes to enjoy the stimulation and keep himself relaxed.
RAMP's Avatar
  • RAMP
  • 10-11-2016, 10:34 AM
They are awesome! Induce a total loss of inhabitions for me, but given I'm getting older I'm a little scared of the effects on my ticker.
Wonder if that's the same stuff they used to pass around dance clubs in the id to late 80s? Can't remember what we call3ed it back then
Maybe RUSH back then?
TheOtherMan's Avatar
It is, and yes. Rush is/was definitely in the same family - not sure if it was amyl nitrate or not though.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Wonder if that's the same stuff they used to pass around dance clubs in the id to late 80s? Can't remember what we call3ed it back then Originally Posted by mississippifunguy
Yes. It is. And it kills off brain cells.

I'm not sure, since poppers are technically legal (in Texas), if we're careening into a gray area of drug use.

I must be feeling like a party pooper today. Not a party popper.

I'll check that out here in a bit.
Solemate62's Avatar
Wonder if that's the same stuff they used to pass around dance clubs in the id to late 80s? Can't remember what we call3ed it back then Originally Posted by mississippifunguy