Anyone ever grope their real nurse?

doc_nasty123's Avatar
My nurse is a juicy latina and she always puts my hand near her crotch or breasts when taking blood or my blood pressure. Hand is always restng on her hip or breat on my arm. Man i want to grab BAD! Anyone had a similar situation and tried something like that?
Solemate62's Avatar
My nurse is a juicy latina and she always puts my hand near her crotch or breasts when taking blood or my blood pressure. Hand is always restng on her hip or breat on my arm. Man i want to grab BAD! Anyone had a similar situation and tried something like that? Originally Posted by doc_nasty123
PM me the name of your doc where this nurse is so I can switch my Primary Care Physician asap!
houston_switch's Avatar
After an operation I punched a Male Doc in the face. Does that count?
berkleigh's Avatar
Hands down, absolutely the craziest situation I have EVER got myself into was fucking my doctor. It was amazing.


Randall Creed's Avatar

All I've ever gotten was some accident boobage grab when having my blood pressure taken. You know how when they have you straighten and lift your arm up so they can get that belt thing around it.

Well, it wasn't like I 'grabbed' her tits. It's just that they made contact with my hand. But I did like, concentrate the nerves in my hand a bit, which, in some small, technical way was coping a feel.

There was this one time where she wasn't MY doctor, but was A nurse. That's the closest I've ever been.
Solemate62's Avatar
Hands down, absolutely the craziest situation I have EVER got myself into was fucking my doctor. It was amazing.


Originally Posted by berkleigh
My doc puts his finger up my ass once a year!
StaceyMay's Avatar
As a CNA in the home health care field..I have had this happen to me, especially while giving baths, or dressing folks.(I mentioned to one guy after he grabbed me... well I guess if you are able to do that, you can wash your own ass..he NEVER tried that again with me) I even had a lady grab my boob one time and she said, I miss my titties being so perky like yours. LOL. I have laughed most of these situations off, and was only actually offended by one who ALWAYS talked about my boobs and other body parts and how I should preform things for him bc he pays the agency I work for x amount of dollars... and If I dont do what he wants, hes going to get me fired etc. etc. (I QUIT)

Personally I have never "reached out" but temtations were there, especially with my OB doc lol...Hey he feels me !
My nurse is a juicy latina and she always puts my hand near her crotch or breasts when taking blood or my blood pressure. Hand is always restng on her hip or breat on my arm. Man i want to grab BAD! Anyone had a similar situation and tried something like that? Originally Posted by doc_nasty123
I want to grab doctor yesterday.HOT!
Awas only actually offended by one who ALWAYS talked about my boobs and other body parts and how I should preform things for him bc he pays the agency I work for x amount of dollars... and If I dont do what he wants, hes going to get me fired etc. etc. (I QUIT) Originally Posted by StaceyMay
Was Trump the patient?

There is a Dallas co-ed thread about strangest place to have sex with several nurse encounters.