rubbed the wrong way

I have a bit of rant want to get off my chest.
I have been moderately active on the board for a reviews where more colorful at the beginning and also perhaps more frequent...I guess now I think Im a bit more like an eagle picking more what I consume rather than just trying to hunt everything that moves. The past week the provider Slave G posted and ad about coming to town, I find her quite interesting as it seems she has the right blend of experience and looks so I decided to take a plunge only to be turned down because of not having newer reviews.

Being that among the things we cherish here the most is safety I can see how new members and heck even a bit more old members like myself still need to be thoroughly verified. I listed providers whose credibility is quite high as they have been in the hobby for a while with no report of issues.

Safety is a two way street, there is a risk for the lady as so to the gentleman...having tried to comply to the best of my capacities with enough time and still being denied I guess rubbed me the wrong way, Im not criticizing the need for screening quite frankly its the opposite. I got me thinking though what is enough reviews as the standard of this particular lady is 40+ reviews and I listed two very reviewed dames and a very recent one as well.... oh well I guess I have to suck my pride and deal with this stinging sensation, which im certain in a week time will not be such a big deal and might even make me chuckle, but for now I hope this rant proves cathartic and restorative to my ego. AGAIN no hard feelings
livn2do's Avatar
Don't sweat it ferc. I had a provider refuse to see me once because I was too active and trust me I tried everything. Every lady is different. I'm not aware of any standard.
I would not call 9 reviews in the last 12 months no recent reviews. I got denied recently because I had left some "NO" reviews of some terrible BP gals. I thought we had everything lined up and a couple hours before meeting time, I get a text that she had changed her mind due to my "NO" reviews. I have a feeling she was afraid of getting a no form me. She has mixed reviews from over the years. She would not have been my first choice, but was the only verified provider in the area I was. If she was not on her game, and deserved a no, I am not afraid to give one. She does travel your way also.
blackmaleindallas's Avatar
She mentioned your situation on her twitter page. Apparently your references didn't respond...It's a he said she said but if what she said is true at least you have some guidance on why things went down the way they did...
The post was in no way an attack or hearsay, any service provider and commercial entity has guidelines about what they consider standard, to me it was just unusual perhaps even a bit arbitrary yet like Livin2do mention I should not sweat it and which I dont. I bear no ill will or bad vibes to her, quite te contrary im still a bit bummed I wont see her but alas c' est las vie !
Artistone's Avatar
So I have something I just experienced. I am brand new to this site but have found out that I had actually visited two or more vp providers. Score.
The thing that is rubbing me the wrong way is that I had posted that I was looking for a provider in Sioux City and a few responded. One said they would be here this last weekend then went incomunicado. We had set up a time and I had been screened. Does this happen alot? What do I do?
JocelynJohnsin's Avatar
Everyone is definitely different and to each their own but if I relied solely on provider references my ass would be broke. Kudos to the ones that do take the time to provide references!!
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
I have a bit of rant want to get off my chest.

Well, this was most definitely a RANT...

I have been moderately active on the board for a reviews where more colorful at the beginning and also perhaps more frequent...I guess now I think Im a bit more like an eagle picking more what I consume rather than just trying to hunt everything that moves. The past week the provider Slave G posted and ad about coming to town, I find her quite interesting as it seems she has the right blend of experience and looks so I decided to take a plunge only to be turned down because of not having newer reviews.

So, just to CLARIFY...

YOU did contact me this week and the INITIAL REFERENCES that you provided via my booking form were NOT RESPONDING...

Now, WE ALL have LIVES outside of the hobby and the beautiful ladies of Iowa are NO EXCEPTION... When a lady is unable to reply to a reference request then I assume that SHE HAS REAL LIFE issues that prevents her from responding...

A) It is the FLU season so, a lot of people have been sick..

B) For many people it is the season of SPRING BREAK and they are with their families and unable to get to their phones...

C) Sometimes, ladies will not respond if they have had an unpleasant experience with a gentleman because they are scared of the gentleman in question finding out and then stalking and harassing...

D) Some providers are just not reference friendly...

Now, Nina and I DO NOT JUDGE and we are also not going to harass the ladies into giving us a reference... I feel it is important for me to respect the ladies in your community as much as I respect the MEN.

Sooo.... Nina contacted you to ask if there were any ADDITIONAL PROVIDERS that we could contact so that we could get you on my calendar... At that point you directed Nina to your list of reviews and we were told to use any of those...

Now, traveling providers have a few more challenges than local girls... Sometimes, the more nefarious characters will try to take advantage of us... because of that I prefer to use providers who are well established... meaning they have 40 + reviews...

Unfortunately, only one of those providers that you had recently fell into that category... Nina was very polite when she explained this to you... It was NOT PERSONAL...

This is a hobby that requires that BOTH PARTIES feel both COMFORTABLE & RELAXED ... I want ALL OF MY MEN to have the ABSOLUTE BEST EXPERIENCE when they are with me...and that means that I need to be confident that you are a SAFE & FUN HOBBYIST before I meet with you behind closed doors...

Being that among the things we cherish here the most is safety I can see how new members and heck even a bit more old members like myself still need to be thoroughly verified. I listed providers whose credibility is quite high as they have been in the hobby for a while with no report of issues.

And if they had RESPONDED then you would have made it onto my calendar...

Safety is a two way street, there is a risk for the lady as so to the gentleman...having tried to comply to the best of my capacities with enough time and still being denied I guess rubbed me the wrong way, Im not criticizing the need for screening quite frankly its the opposite.

Really? Because, I ABSOLUTELY HATE DRAMA and here I am having to reply to a thread in Iowa Coed...

I have a posted work number and if you had wanted to converse with me directly then Nina would have forwarded your emails to me and I would have explained this in greater detail... Now, I am being forced to deal with this in a very PUBLIC manner which as an INTROVERT I do not like...

You also could have taken this issue to ML and had a private conversation with the other BOYS but you decided to do this in COED which I find a tad bit offensive....

I got me thinking though what is enough reviews as the standard of this particular lady is 40+ reviews and I listed two very reviewed dames and a very recent one as well.... oh well I guess I have to suck my pride and deal with this stinging sensation, which im certain in a week time will not be such a big deal and might even make me chuckle, but for now I hope this rant proves cathartic and restorative to my ego. AGAIN no hard feelings

I am so GLAD that you feel better... I am glad that by not telling the COMPLETE TRUTH your EGO is assuaged...That is by the far the most important thing correct?

I have to be honest that there is a wee bit of hard feelings on my part...

However, if nothing else this both saved us some time and money because obviously we would not have been a good match for each other...

My ego does not need a PUBLIC RANT to make me feel better about myself... All I need is the smile of satisfaction that I get when I make someone happy... Be it via behind closed doors or out in the open... Making OTHER PEOPLE HAPPY is what MAKES MY DAY...

One of my favorite quote is from Will Smith:

"If YOU ARE NOT MAKING someone else's life BETTER then you are WASTING YOUR TIME..."

Have a great day...

Slave Guinevere


I do REWARD those members of P411 & TER by ONLY NEEDING TWO OK'S on P411 or TWO WHITELIST OK'S ON TER...
SG I wish nothing but the best for you, I dont think it was my ego that got hurt as this is hobby, something intended to actually help everyone get their mind of their mundane life and problems, but if you think it was my ego well you might be right but is all good I guess by now is water under the bridge.

It is also a place for people to communicate and share thoughts and opinions, I respect your comments and opinions as I have always believed that there is no such thing as a wrong opinion. Perhaps I could have provided more references, yet I went for the most recent ones which I assume where perhaps the best source, it was never on you or me if they dont respond, because they dont need to if they dont desire. I did pointed out Nina to my previous reviews because for evidences to be valid must be able to corroborated through time, there are a lot of 1 hit wonders and one can get an appointment once...the reason for my logic was statistics, to demonstrate Nina I have seen and made acquaintance with several ladies. There are other things at play here for instance there are some provides that request not to be reviewed.

SG if I offended you please accept my apologies the reason for my post was to share how perhaps a more standard method for screening is needed and how it yes made me feel uncomfortable not being able to achieve the screening. I have never met you so I cant have anything against you and the reason for the forum is to share thoughts and information. Be well
Is P411 a good investment? I'd get it, but I'm not sure if most of the ladies use it.
Aww slave wish I woulda known you were hear. Last time you bought me tacos after getting lost in that huge ass city lol I woulda taken you out for lunch or dinner. Next time in des Moines try machine Shed. It's awesome beans.