couple pics being board lol

Ok so I'm board, best thing to do is either play with self, already done, or take some pics lol.

Last day tonite, asking for late check out tomorrow

Hope you enjoy.
Another day???
Kinda not wanting to make that drive to kc right now lol.
I have one gent that's asked me to stay, one more day ( I'm such a poet), I need at least one or two more to stay to make it worth it so if interested or think you'd might be able to let me know before noon y'all ❤❤❤

Your darling admirer ~ shayla
Love the pics!!!
DocHolyday's Avatar
Wow! You should get bored more often!! lol
thank you guys
It's even better in person. If you've ever thought of seeing Shayla you better jump while she's trapped in her room.
Lol not there anymore. Forced myself to drive to kc