So, I had a great in-call date with a well-known and well-reviewed provider here.(Though when I dug deeper, her reviews on other sited mention her thieving habits and her staff edit **** use) It was really good. Not earth shattering but really good. Good enough that I wanted more. The first date I asked if she took CASH APP, she did. I had money on the app and wanted to use it for hobby purposes. We tried at her place to make it work but got frustrated and I simply used cash, 300, not worth it, but fine, I can afford it.
A few days later I wanted more and asked her over. She agreed and we finally hooked up on CASH APP. Because I'm an idiot I accidentally hit the PAY button thinking it would show me more info and confirm payment. Of course it just sent her 300. Fine, I think, she was great and I trust her. STUPID. after three hours of "I'm on my way" and bullshit excuses, of course she never showed. Eventually she sends a text saying she is sorry and her phone died and she won't fuck me over....blah, blah, blah.
Now she no longer responds, of course I have several phone numbers at my disposal. Just make a date with another number, show up and tell her she owes me?
PS, she was last logged in here on the 24th of July.
I know, I'm an old idiot, I screwed up. My question is this: What to do to 1) recoup funds 2) Get my time with her I already paid for 3) get revenge? Please be frank as I know you will.