Hall Pass Saturday

I have a hall pass on Saturday. I want to see strippers. I know it's a waste of money, and the likelihood of blue balls is high, but I want to see strippers. I want soft skin rubbing on me. I want to smell boo boo perfume.

I like The Mens Club. Typically the hottest girls, but once I get worked up, there is typically zero play.

I like Centerfolds, but it can be hit and miss.

I like Splendor. I've had lots of play there, but it is so fucking far.

I like Cover Girls, but since the Bay of Pigs Invasion, it hasn't been that great.

What say you mongers? Where should I blow my hall pass and wad?
I hear mixed reviews but I like Splendor a lot. Nice mix of ladies. Its far but frequently worth it.

All above true for St James. I've never been to The Dolls place down the street from them.

Men's Club is a hard NO. You'll get more lovin' from internet porn

The advantage of Treasures/Centerfolds is that they're close enough to check out both. I'm not as crazy about Treasures since all the Cubans moved in. A lot are hot but too aggressive for my tastes.

I think Saturdays are amateur night out (especially later) so I'd go relatively early.
Wally8201's Avatar
Chicas Loca
MisterMeat's Avatar
To me, St. James is the only one worth going to any more...
I stopped by Splendor on Sat and it was pretty slow. You can usually turn up something at CF.
69UILTAZ's Avatar
I'm for hole in the wall places
Hit or miss but you hit you hit at low cost, try Dspot 45 N / Gulf bank!