Investment Risks And Opportunities In The Post-Election Economy

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Fast Gunn's Avatar

That story really puts an unrealistic and very pessimistic view on the economy.

The reason the so called "Fiscal Cliff" was put into place in the first place was to force legislators to deal with the debt situation.

The story implies that the Obama Administration is to blame for the mess, but it caused by the poor Bush mismanagement.

President Obama has reversed the downward spiral this country was in when he took office and is working on improving the economy.

. . . Let's give him a chance to finish the work he has begun!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The work he has done is to drive us quickly toward tyranny and financial collapse. I don't want him to finish that work.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You have quite a myopic view of life in general, old geezer.

Tyranny? What fucking tyranny?

Can you at least try to be objective or is that just beyond your limited capabilities?

Can you not see the facts and the charts showing progress?

The downward economic slide of this country has been stopped and it has been reversed.

OBL was hunted down, found in an uncooperative country and taken out.

Detroit was pulled from the brink of disaster averting further damage to the general economy.

. . . Anyone who cannot see the good that President Obama has done is just too blind to see anything except the pessimistic images in their own head.

The idiots, of which StupidOldFart is clearly one, love to throw around their buzzwords like "tyranny." They don't know WTF it means but they hear those words on their conservative news sources, up to and including FAUX News! Since they lost the election that seems to be their only hope and aspiration for America's future!

I will call it what it is! They are a bunch of whiny losers! It's sad, really sad what the Republican Party with their Far Right Wing-Nut leadership has dwarfed into! They only see one thing, they want America to fail and nothing less!

Two years ago, the Senate Minority Leader's primary goal was to make President Obama a one term President. Senator McConnell didn't say their primary goal was to restore prosperity to America. He didn't say that their primary goal was to make America more secure. He said the primary goal was to make Obama a one term President.

In other words, Senator McConnell pledged to obstruct to keep the President from being successful. And therein lies the hopes and aspirations of the ranking Republican member of the U S Senate. Get a friggin life, loser!

No wonder the idiots in this forum says the things like they do. They are only playing "Follow the Leader." I believe they all, including Senator McConnell, should move their worthless ass(es) to beautiful, downtown Damascus. Be sure to let us know what living conditions are like in a country other than "The land of the free and home of the brave!"

Adios Cock Suckers, get back to us in 10 years! Ya hear?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't even have a TV, let alone listen to Fox News. Let's see, tyranny . . . such as the indefinite detention of American Citizens without due process, warrantless searches of emails and other property, the Patriot Act, wars for oil, limitations on free speech and assembly, etc. etc. Let's see, how do YOU define tyranny?
I don't even have a TV, let alone listen to Fox News. Let's see, tyranny . . . such as the indefinite detention of American Citizens without due process, warrantless searches of emails and other property, the Patriot Act, wars for oil, limitations on free speech and assembly, etc. etc. Let's see, how do YOU define tyranny? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I see that when challenged you will finally get off of your dead ass and look the word up! 'Bout friggin' time!

Give us a shout occasionally from Beautiful Downtown Damascus. Ya' here!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You really have no idea how stupid that response was, do you, BigTurd? Just when this place starts getting boring, you come along a brighten my day!

Thanks, BigTurd!

You really have no idea how stupid that response was, do you, BigTurd? Just when this place starts getting boring, you come along a brighten my day!

Thanks, BigTurd!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Your welcome, I was just trying my best to lower myself to your level with hopes you might be able to understand!

Apparently I was successful!
chefnerd's Avatar
And now for a slightly less pessimistic view of the economic future. No they are not looking through rose-colored glasses. This is a respected investment company that's been around for eighty years.
Just print more money, everything will work itself out...
I don't watch videos, since you can learn so much more in vastly less time by reading.


If John Mauldin was involved in producing this, I have no doubt that it's spot on. He's one of the best economics and market observers in the arena today. And the sidebar indicates that Mohamed El-Erian and Barry Ritholtz also joined in the discussion. That makes two more of the smartest guys around.

Mauldin's recent book Endgame (about debt supercycles) is excellent; I consider it a must for those interested in global finance and sovereign debt issues. Ritholtz's book Bailout Nation was published about three years ago, and I think it's also an excellent book.

At least 90% of the columns and books on markets and investments are pumped out by people who have no idea what they're talking about. That makes it very hard for non-professional investors to separate the good stuff from the junk.

But I can assure you that Mauldin, Ritholtz, and El-Erian are three of the best.